Latest and live tenders published in pakistan. Click on any tender to view further details.
supply of grounding set, lineman tool bag,manila rope,live wire tester,bolt cutter
supply of chain pulley block 3 ton,ratchet lever hoist 750 kg,ratchet lever hoist 1500 kg,grip pulling cond. 6.0-10 mm,grip pulling cond. 12.5-15 mm
supply / installation of computerized braille press, ring binding machine, braille papers to be required for quoted braille press machine
provision of certain facilities at paf
supply of wrench adjustable 200 mm2,wrench adjustable 300 mm2,hand line,screw driver 8",lineman knife,tree trimmer,torch charge able
supply of office furniture
supply of clip on meter (volt amp),voltage beeper,earth resistance tester,magger 1000 v,voltage detector
supply of printing material
supply of rain coat size-50",rain coat size-52",rain coat size-54"
supply of synthetic enamel paint / varnish