Latest and live tenders published in pakistan. Click on any tender to view further details.
supply of hsfo
manufacturers, suppliers, contractors with adequate past relevant experience and financial capabilities for the below captioned
procuieneit of sq, kv grtd station equipmenvmaterials through adb, s shopphg procedure
r/m of govt vehicles at gilgit minor repair of govt vehicle under b&r division gb pwd gilgit ch to: 3% contingencies of the scheme “const: of multistory building for the govt employees of gb at konodas gilgit r/m of govt vehicles at gilgit minor repair of govt vehicle under b&r division gb pwd gilgit ch to: 3% contingencies of the scheme “const: of nalc secretariat ph-ii r/m of govt vehicles replacement of tyres and battery of vehicle no.glt-c-500 vego for minister works ch to:3% contingencies of the scheme “imp/wid/metalling/const: of roads in constituency no.3 r/m of govt vehicles minor repair of govt vehicles no. glt-e-72 under b&r division gilgit ch to: 3% contingencies of the scheme “const: of nalc secretariat ph-ii
providing and installation of window blinds at office building
supply of dc invertor cabinet air conditioner 4 ton dc invertor air conditioner 2 ton
renovation ol china block neat al-mansoor stores for providing
services for calibration of vertical
cleening of residrntial and non residential colony area i.e. park lewn street8 and roads mein holels, gullers. sumps & contingent sewerage lines by deploying sanitary workers sewerman and shitting garbages /waste orrt 3id6 of colony erea though traclo. trolley at tps guddu
hardware items