Latest and live tenders published in pakistan. Click on any tender to view further details.
special repair to judge rest house /residenaces at judges enclve furniture in the bunglow
provision of curtain bunglow no.12 bunglow judges rest house /resiadnce at judges enclave f/5 /2 isl mabad
consruction of bounderay wall around the premises of 96 flats and renovation of 96 floor g9/1 islamabad
provision of salt rr at headquartes rawalpindi logistic area
renovation /repair & maintence of forgein officers quarters allied houses officers /unit furniture sports gradation exam hall
installtion & commissioning of safety performance broad at corrsion control center lhr
supply of crop estimation and geographic mapping system
non adp 2013/2014 consruction of multi purpose hall & office in governors house peshawar
providing of electrcity to more than 2.8 million of kpk pesco leading mangement country
repair /maintence /over hualing of engine with fitting & fixture replacemebnt of tyres sewerage sludge paf base decoration work at paf base