Latest and live tenders published in pakistan. Click on any tender to view further details.
supply of rack mounted server, laptop, compute stick, video conferencing system / sla, fire alarm system
supply of furniture to proejct, titles impementation of quality mangement system
supply of potental tansfo.mer, l3-20ri3/o.uj3 kv, ctass 0.1 ova 50kv, 50 to 200 hz, potengal tenstorme., 3365d3r0.1d3kv, class o.l 10va, 95 kv 50 to 200 hz, vaouum circuit bre.kcr typo : zn3-10/60g150, ioiv. 600amp., control voltage - 22ov dc
procurement of refrigerator, deep freezer and electric water coolers for new islamabad international airport pso - apl jv
procurment of carry van or equivalent all purpose vchicle -6 seater
plaster, brick work wall repair at back side & sewerage line, footpath near park, dc work internal/external work at different bungalows, repair/maint work at different bungalows, repair/maint work navy house annex, graphy & barrack, repair/maint work at different b type bungalows, tc b&r-i west zone, dc work at east zone, dc work at west zone, tc b&r-ii zone-i, tc b&r-ii zone-ii, tc b&r-ii zone-iii, tc e&m internal, tc e&m external re-upholstery
provision / manufacture of furniture for 2 300men barrack alongwith sports facilities at nas turbet
maintenance, refilling of fire extinguishers and manitenance of fire hydrants
hiring of excavator with fuel on 8 dia.
replacement of main distrubution boxes of junior executive bungalows