Latest and live tenders published in pakistan. Click on any tender to view further details.
supply of lever cabin lock cabin jack pump door beeding r/h lock assy door mud flap monograme fs hinomonograme fs hino fuel tank cap cable sub assy accel wind screen beeding ventilation glass frt r/side ventilator glass head lamp rh head lamp assy fog light glass head light coverindicator assy frt lh lens rh indicator glass left hand frt flasher unit 21 v speedometer assy gauge assy fuel stop light switch guage assy water temp air pressure gauge gauge assy oil pressure switch assy back up
improvement/up gradation of various spaces of academic complex for 27th aaou conference at aiou main campus
provision and fixation of air conditions split and standing units) at specific spaces of academic complex for 27th aaou conference at aiou main campus. hire, lg, gree or equivalent good brands)
supply of s/f of led light 120-w) s/f of led light 100-w)
extenal electrification of chaklala cantonment borad office building with transformer 200kva along with accessories
auction of bus/ coach stand g-9 markaz islamabad
construcation of first floor at existing building of mechanical engineering workshop at cllt sahiwal
supply of gf- 517 toyota corolla 1300cc/2006 gb -130 toyota corolla 1300cc/2005
jungle clearance from open areas of unit &4 genco-lll tps muzaffargarh
procurement of winding material for electrical secation at phase-l tps muzaffargarh