Latest and live tenders published in pakistan. Click on any tender to view further details.
const of retaining wall near new car parking at nhq isld
const of mt store at ge n maint isld
const of staff room with store for water supply sub divn at ge n miant isld
const of staff room with attached bathroom in e&m sub divn ge n maint isld
repair/renovation of toilet ground floor right side and left side at wireless barrack at naval complex islamabad
repair maint renovation of sewerage line at diff place in ashraf colony naval complex islamabad
conversion of mt garrage inot reception waiting room alongwith attached bathroom at hq npu naval complex islamabad
construction of 1x bathroom toilet for officer and construction of 2 x bathroom toilets near dining hall at ts rawat
replacement of cgi sheets of shed no. 1, 2 and 3 at ts rawat
supply of zigzag embroidery machine