Latest and live tenders published in all country. Click on any tender to view further details.

5431 South America Countries Tenders
GTN :5718098
Location :  Netherlands Antilles - Netherlands Antilles, Netherlands Antilles
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  15 Feb, 2014

repair, maintenance and associated services related to railways and other equipment

5432 South America Countries Tenders
GTN :5718198
Location :  Colombia - Colombia, Colombia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  24 Jan, 2014

the purpose of the consolidation and enhanced livelihood initiative-central region celi-central) usaid contract is to advance u.s. government usg) and government of colombia goc) goals and results related to implementation of the colombia strategic development initiative csdi) and the goc’s national consolidation plan pnc). the basic premise of the celi-central contract is that armed conflict and the illicit economy are inextricably linked to weak state presence. therefore, contract activities will seek to strengthen state presence as the goc recovers territory and creates conditions favorable to permanent territorial security. once territory is secured by the armed forces, immediate assistance will be provided to those veredas neighborhood communities) affected by conflict. project activities will help to build confidence in the goc, provide the opportunity to build relations between communities and local government, and respond to local dynamics

5433 South America Countries Tenders
GTN :5718900
Location :  Netherlands Antilles - Netherlands Antilles, Netherlands Antilles
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  15 Feb, 2014

construction work for waterways

5434 South America Countries Tenders
GTN :5719051
Location :  Netherlands Antilles - Netherlands Antilles, Netherlands Antilles
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  15 Feb, 2014

construction work for steel bridges,construction work for water projects,construction work for bridges and tunnels, shafts and subways,construction work for engineering works except bridges, tunnels, shafts and subways

5435 South America Countries Tenders
GTN :5708368
Location :  Peru - Peru, Peru
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  31 Jan, 2014

consulting services - realice una revisiã³n minuciosa de los ãtems y matrices de especificaciones de las 44 pruebas que serã¡n aplicadas en la evaluaciã³n de reubicaciã³n de docentes de la ley de reforma magisterial.

5436 South America Countries Tenders
GTN :5706815
Location :  Bolivia - Bolivia, Bolivia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  05 Feb, 2014

construcción del sistema de agua potable distritos 8 y 9 de la ciudad de cochabamba”

5437 South America Countries Tenders
GTN :5706906
Location :  Peru - Peru, Peru
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  31 Jan, 2014

consulting services - realice una revisión minuciosa de los ítems y matrices de especificaciones de las 44 pruebas que serán aplicadas en la evaluación de reubicación de docentes de la ley de reforma magisterial.

5438 South America Countries Tenders
GTN :5706971
Location :  Brazil - Brazil, Brazil
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  31 Jan, 2014

selection/recruitment of consulting legal entity to develop studies and projects to adequacy and increase of water supply system - producer and distributor system from são lourenço da mata municipality

5439 South America Countries Tenders
GTN :5706986
Location :  Brazil - Brazil, Brazil
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  05 Feb, 2014

apoio à extração e tratamento dos dados do comitê de estatísticas sociais para alimentar indicadores do plano plurianual a serem utilizados pelos sistemas finalísticos do ministério de planejamento, orçamento e gestão

5440 South America Countries Tenders
GTN :5707082
Location :  Peru - Peru, Peru
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  27 Jan, 2014

consultancy to design and implement a communications strategy and media plan to promote compliance of norms to open and operate a tourism-related business in cusco.

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