Latest and live tenders published in colombia. Click on any tender to view further details.
mandate corporate water stewardship cws in colombia and community of practice latin america.
mandate contribution to the implementation of public policies: monitoring water quantity and quality in
laboratory service for the analysis of water and soil samples
equipos de computo, mapiripan - meta
feasibility study for the implementation of an urban waste to energy solution
provision of services for carrying out industrial symbiosis and recp options identified in by the global eco-industrial parks in in colombia
provision of services related to development of a web application for ivc soa® 2.0 model - colombia, unido project sap id 180283, re tendering of rfx 7000005124
advice on the design and implementation of the knowledge management strategy - egc, the reincorporation portfolio and the peace, justice and reconciliation area.
request for quote equipment and materials vista hermosa - meta
supply of design and development of a virtual course on gender toolbox