Bidding Support
Warm Greetings from, the fastest growing tender information portal in India.
Supply of Hand Wash Dettol 200 ml , Hand Sanitizer 500 ml , Lizol
750 ml , Harpic 750 ml , Phenyl White , Phenyl Black , Exo
Dish Wash Bar , Detergent Powder , Grass Broom , Coconut
Broom , Colin , Toilet Cleaning Brush Small size , Wash
Basin Cleaning Brush , Hit Spray Black 320 ml , Turkey
Towel Big Size , Turkey Towel Medium Size , Turkey Towel
Hand Small Size , Dettol Liquid , Bleaching Powder , Soap
Toilet , Spidernet Cleaning Brush , Odonil , Naphthalene Ball
1 Kg , Room Freshener , Black polythene Carry bag Big size ,
Black polythene Carry bag small size , Inuvik Microfibre wet
and dry cotton pad floor mop , HIC Bathroom Cleaner Floor
Wiper wide quality rubber strip with Telescopic Sturdy Rod ,
Microfibre Soft Anti Slip water absorbent Rectangle Shaped
Mat , Battery AAA , Battery AA , Camlin Gum , Paper Pin ,
Correction Pen , Pencil , Cello Tape Transparent , Cello Tape
Brawn , Tape 1inch Transparent , Paper Cutter , Eraser ,
Sharpener , Stapler Small , Stapler Big , Kangaro Stapler Pin
Small , Stapler Pin Big , Scale Steel , Scale Plastic , Scissor ,
Binder Clip Big , Binder Clip Small , Stick Notes , Ball Pen
Reynolds Blue , Ball Pen Reynolds Red , Register 200 pages
, Register 400 pages , Tag Long , Tag Small , Flag Multi
Colour , Gel Pen Blue Pilot V7 or Uniball , Glue Stick ,
Highlighter , Crystal Disposable Nitrile Examination Hand
TRN :34088723
Central Government And Public Sector / Security Services
Ernakulam - Kerala
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