Liasoning Service
Warm Greetings from, the fastest growing tender information portal in India.
Supply of Rice/Atta Pallets , Storage Rack , Vertical Chest Freezer ,
Two Burner Bulk Cooking Range ,
Roti Maker/Hot Plate With Puffer ,
VegetableSanitizingSinkAtRecievingArea ,
WorkTableWithOeUnderShelf , PotRack , SSHood ,
HandWashUtilitySink ,
SoiledDishLandingTableWithOneGarbageChute ,
KitchenExhaustDucting , KitchenUtilityVessel , GasBank ,
CivilWorkForKitchenAndDiningRoom , ElectricalWork ,
BainMarieCounterWith1U/SAndTraySlider , Single Burner
Gas Range (for Deep Fryer) , SSDiningTable6Seater
TRN :34030400
State Government / Services
Nagpur - Maharashtra
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- In case of any query please call us on +91 92760 83333