Liasoning Service
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Supply Of Dpph , Luria-bertani Broth , Gelatin Solution , Glucometer Plus 100 Strips , Glyoxalic Acid , T-butyl Alcohol , Magnesium Metal Turning , Mayers Solution , Bials Reagent , Cobalt Chloride Hexahydrate Pure , Carbol Thionine Solution , Picrolonic Acid For Synthesis , Mercury I Mercurous Nitrate 0.1m 0.1n , Deniges Reagent , Potassium Mercuric Iodide Pure , Potassium Iodo Bismuthate , 1,10-phenanthroline Hydrochloride , 1- Naphtholbenzein Extrapure , Acacia Powder , Acetic Acid Glacial , Acetone , Aluminium Sulphate , Ammonium Thiocyanate Acs , Aniline , Aspirin- Acetylsalicylic Acid , Barium Chloride , Benzoic Acid , Benzoin , Benzyl Chloride , Bromocresol Green Solution , Bromothymol Blue Solution , Calcium Carbonate , Carbon Tetrachloride , Cerium Iii Sulphate , Chloral Hydrate , Chloroform , Cochineal Natural Red 4 , Copper Oxide Black , Phenol Detached Crystals , Diastase -fungal , Dibutyl Phthalate Pure , Edta Disodium Salt Dihydrate Pure , Di-sodium Hydrogen-o-phosphate Anhydrous , Dragendorffs Reagent , Petroleum Ether , Ammonium Ferric Sulphate , Glycerol Monostearate Extra Pure , Grams Iodine , Hydrochloric Acid , Hydroxy Propyl Methyl Cellulose , Iodine Resublimed , Iodine Monochloride Solution , Kaolin Light , Lactose , Lauric Acid Pure , Oil Of Lemon , Liquid Paraffin , Liquid Phenol , Magnesium Sulphate , Methylene Chloride , Microcrystalline Cellulose , Morin Hydrate , N-butanol , Nitro Benzene , Orange Oil , Oxalic Acid , Paraamino Benzoic Acid , Paracetamol Powder , P-chloro M-cresol , Perchloric Acid 0.1n In Glacial Acetic Acid , Phenol , Phenolphthalein Extrapure Ar , Phenolphthalein Indicator Soln In Ethanol , Phenyl Mercury Acetate For
TRN :34223948
Central Government And Public Sector / Health Services And Equipments
East Sikkim - Sikkim
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