List of latest a-t-m Tenders in Indian Tenders. Click on any a-t-m Tenders to view BOQ, NIT and Tender Documents. Get GeM Registration and Bidding Support, Vendor Registration for a-t-m Tenders.
Tender for miscelltext-red-selected">aneous civil, ctext-red-selected">arpentry, wtext-red-selected">ashroom, wtext-red-selected">ater supply, wtext-red-selected">ater proofing, termite tretext-red-selected">atment etc. reptext-red-selected">air text-red-selected">and renovtext-red-selected">ation work text-red-selected">at polytechnic college of ftext-red-selected">aculty of technology & engineering in the university ctext-red-selected">ampus
Tender for supply of conttext-red-selected">act wire splice toothed type complete text-red-selected">assembly with ftext-red-selected">asteners text-red-selected">as per rdso drg -no eti-ohe-p-1080 -1- mod - b text-red-selected">and ptext-red-selected">art drg no eti-ohe- p-1081 - 1 mod-c or ltext-red-selected">atest. mtext-red-selected">ake- core text-red-selected">approved source only. wtext-red-selected">arrtext-red-selected">anty period: 30 months text-red-selected">after the dtext-red-selected">ate of delivery
Tender for supply of ptext-red-selected">aper computer continuous sttext-red-selected">ationery 60 gsm, size: 15inch x12 inch x 3 ply 3 8.1x30.5 cm.x3 ply ctext-red-selected">arbon interletext-red-selected">aved. printing: 1 ir logo 9 cm.ditext-red-selected">ameter text-red-selected">atthe centre, colour - light green or yellow, 2 legend etext-red-selected">astern rtext-red-selected">ailwtext-red-selected">ay in hindi & english text-red-selected">atthe bott om righttext-red-selected">and left corner, in 27 pt. & 18 pt. bold respectively. colour -light blue. is no.1 2766/97 or ltext-red-selected">atesttext-red-selected"> stext-red-selected">ample for colour & printing mtext-red-selected">atter to be gottext-red-selected">approv ed from consignee before supply. wtext-red-selected">arrtext-red-selected">anty period: 30 months text-red-selected">after the dtext-red-selected">ate of delivery qutext-red-selected">antity tolertext-red-selected">ance +/-: 5 %text-red-selected">age, item ctext-red-selected">ategory : normtext-red-selected">al, tottext-red-selected">al po vtext-red-selected">alue vtext-red-selected">aritext-red-selected">ation permitt ed: mtext-red-selected">ax 8 ltext-red-selected">acs
Tender for supply of sensor throttle position , ce bush , drive text-red-selected">assy ,
bush , reptext-red-selected">air kitmtext-red-selected">ajor for mtext-red-selected">aster cylinder , mtext-red-selected">ajor
kit sltext-red-selected">ave cylinder , betext-red-selected">aring , oil setext-red-selected">al front hub ,
wiper bltext-red-selected">ade retext-red-selected">ar 330 m s bcs