List of latest a-t-m Tenders in Indian Tenders. Click on any a-t-m Tenders to view BOQ, NIT and Tender Documents. Get GeM Registration and Bidding Support, Vendor Registration for a-t-m Tenders.
Tender for supply of compression joint, ri- 1610-1. text-red-selected">as per rdso spec: ti/spc/ohe/fittings/0130-10/13-rev. - 1 or ltext-red-selected">atest, drw: eti ohe p 1610-1 or ltext-red-selected">atest. or text-red-selected">any core/rdso text-red-selected">approved source. wtext-red-selected">arrtext-red-selected">anty period: 30 mont hs text-red-selected">after the dtext-red-selected">ate of delivery
Tender for custom bid for services - schrodinger softwtext-red-selected">are qutext-red-selected">antity 10 tokens for smdd librtext-red-selected">ary desmond mtext-red-selected">aestro opls text-red-selected">and knime vtext-red-selected">alid for one yetext-red-selected">ar supply insttext-red-selected">alltext-red-selected">ation of softwtext-red-selected">are renewtext-red-selected">al trtext-red-selected">aining of scientific softwtext-red-selected">are text-red-selected">as per specifictext-red-selected">ation
Tender for supply of over htext-red-selected">auling kit for fuel ttext-red-selected">ank level gtext-red-selected">auge consisting of 5 items- text-red-selected">a wtext-red-selected">asher r ubber gtext-red-selected">auge emd pt. no. 8120779 qty. 04 nos. b wtext-red-selected">asher fiber gtext-red-selected">auge emd pt. no. 8120777 qty. 0 4 nos. c setext-red-selected">al o ring emd pt. no. 40004279 qty. 02 nos. d gtext-red-selected">asket upper mounting block emd pt. no. 8161253 qty. 02 nos. e gtext-red-selected">asket lower mounting block emd pt. no. 8161254 qty. 02 nos. dr text-red-selected">awing no. 8120779 rev b or ltext-red-selected">atest, 8120777 rev b or ltext-red-selected">atest, 40004279 rev text-red-selected">atext-red-selected">a or ltext-red-selected">atest, 8161253 rev b text-red-selected">a or ltext-red-selected">atest & 8161254 rev btext-red-selected">a or ltext-red-selected">atest wtext-red-selected">arrtext-red-selected">anty period: 30 months text-red-selected">after the dtext-red-selected">ate of delivery qutext-red-selected">antity tolertext-red-selected">ance +/-: 5 %text-red-selected">age, item ctext-red-selected">ategory : normtext-red-selected">al, tottext-red-selected">al po vtext-red-selected">alue vtext-red-selected">aritext-red-selected">ation permitted: mtext-red-selected">ax 8 ltext-red-selected">acs
Tender for supply of poh kit for equtext-red-selected">alising dischtext-red-selected">arge vtext-red-selected">alve of m/s wsf mtext-red-selected">ake set of 22 items full descriptio n is text-red-selected">as per text-red-selected">annexure enclosed in the documents. wtext-red-selected">arrtext-red-selected">anty period: 30 months text-red-selected">after the dtext-red-selected">ate of del ivery qutext-red-selected">antity tolertext-red-selected">ance +/-: 5 %text-red-selected">age, item ctext-red-selected">ategory : normtext-red-selected">al, tottext-red-selected">al po vtext-red-selected">alue vtext-red-selected">aritext-red-selected">ation permitt ed: mtext-red-selected">ax 8 ltext-red-selected">acs
Tender for supply of providing text-red-selected">and fixing of motor bush sub ctext-red-selected">able 6 meter for
rewinding of 25 hp sub motor with text-red-selected">all mtext-red-selected">ateritext-red-selected">al , providing
text-red-selected">and fixing of thrust pltext-red-selected">ate text-red-selected">and thrust betext-red-selected">aring for rewinding of
25 hp sub motor , providing text-red-selected">and fixing pump impeller pump
bush pump nec ring text-red-selected">and pump sleeves for rewinding of 25
hp sub motor , providing text-red-selected">and fixing of motor bush sub ctext-red-selected">able
6 meter for rewinding of 40 hp sub motor with text-red-selected">all mtext-red-selected">ateritext-red-selected">al ,
providing text-red-selected">and fixing of thrust pltext-red-selected">ate text-red-selected">and thrust betext-red-selected">aring for
rewinding of 40 hp sub motor , providing text-red-selected">and fixing pump
impeller pump bush pump nec ring text-red-selected">and pump sleeves for
rewinding of 40 hp sub motor , providing text-red-selected">and fixing of motor
bush sub ctext-red-selected">able 6 meter for rewinding of 12.5 hp sub motor
with text-red-selected">all mtext-red-selected">ateritext-red-selected">al , providing text-red-selected">and fixing of thrust pltext-red-selected">ate text-red-selected">and
thrust betext-red-selected">aring for rewinding of 12.5 hp sub motor ,
providing text-red-selected">and fixing pump impeller pump bush pump nec
ring text-red-selected">and pump sleeves for rewinding of 12.5 hp sub motor
Tender for supply of belttension brtext-red-selected">ackettext-red-selected">assy. modified for 25 kw text-red-selected">alterntext-red-selected">ator conforming to icf drtext-red-selected">awing no.wttext-red-selected">ac4-0-3-405, text-red-selected">alt-text-red-selected">a/nil period: 30 months text-red-selected">after the dtext-red-selected">ate of delivery wtext-red-selected">arrtext-red-selected">anty