List of latest m-r-i Tenders in Indian Tenders. Click on any m-r-i Tenders to view BOQ, NIT and Tender Documents. Get GeM Registration and Bidding Support, Vendor Registration for m-r-i Tenders.
Tender for deployred-selected">ment of operational staff for operation of red-selected">meethapur school road bps and harizan bastired-selected">meethapur bps in badarpur constituency ac-53.
Tender for warehousing service - perred-selected">mt basis - food grain storage location rared-selected">mpura cap 45000 red-selected">mt district bathinda; as per atc; godown with services preservation insurance watch & ward; hardware by the service provider warehousing service - perred-selected">mt basis - food grain storage location rared-selected">mpura cap 45000 red-selected">mt district bathinda; as per atc; godown without services; hardware by the buyer
Tender for cleaning, sanitation and disinfection service - outcored-selected">me
based - office/cored-selected">mred-selected">mercial/institutions/residential; general
cleaning (sweeping, red-selected">mopping, dusting); indoor , cleaning,
sanitation and disinfection service - outcored-selected">me based -
office/cored-selected">mred-selected">mercial/institutions/residential; high intensive;
indoor , cleaning, sanitation and disinfection service -
outcored-selected">me based - office/cored-selected">mred-selected">mercial/institutions/residential;
general cleaning (sweeping, red-selected">mopping, dusting); outdoor ,
cleaning, sanitation and disinfection service - outcored-selected">me
based - office/cored-selected">mred-selected">mercial/institutions/residential; cleaning
of solar panel; outdoor , cleaning, sanitation and
disinfection service - outcored-selected">me based -
office/cored-selected">mred-selected">mercial/institutions/residential; underground
water storage tank; outdoor , cleaning, sanitation and
disinfection service - outcored-selected">me based -
office/cored-selected">mred-selected">mercial/institutions/residential; overhead water
storage tank; outdoor , cleaning, sanitation and
disinfection service - outcored-selected">me based -
office/cored-selected">mred-selected">mercial/institutions/residential; esr elevated
storage reservoir tank; outdoor , cleaning, sanitation and
disinfection service - outcored-selected">me based -
office/cored-selected">mred-selected">mercial/institutions/residential; septic tank
cleaning; outdoor , cleaning, sanitation and disinfection
service - outcored-selected">me based -
office/cored-selected">mred-selected">mercial/institutions/residential; sewer line
cleaning; outdoor
Tender for ared-selected">mc of integrated security and surveillance systered-selected">m - health red-selected">monitoring solution for cctv systered-selected">m; cored-selected">mprehensive; hardware; cost of consured-selected">mables to be provided to service provider based on actuals; defence establishred-selected">ments; control roored-selected">m; depending upon th..
Tender for cored-selected">mprehensive operation & red-selected">maintenance of civil & electrored-selected">mechanical assets such as intake wells/structures, hglr, sured-selected">mp, presser filter plant, staff quarters, pured-selected">mp house, all bulk transred-selected">mission and distribution pipelines, valves, pured-selected">mping red-selected">machinery & electrical equipred-selected">ment etc. for the jared-selected">manyared-selected">mal regional water supply schered-selected">me, including supply of 0.45 red-selected">mld potable water to all the, 04/villages, 0/habitations for 06-red-selected">months period. taluka: subir, district: dang based on dared-selected">ms at headworks excluding supply of bleaching powder & water and energy charges.
Tender for custored-selected">m bid for services - supply installationcored-selected">mred-selected">missioning
and red-selected">maintaining the cctv and pa safety surveillance systered-selected">m
during overhauling of red-selected">meja tpp units on per day rental basis