Health Services/Equipments
TRN : 34092986
12 Mar, 2025
Tender Value :
12.27 Lacs
Tender for supply of cap. gynec cvp , cap.d oxepine 25mg , cap.fluoxetine
10mg , cap.d -selected ">vitamin a 25000iu , cream fucid ic acid 15gm ,
cream glycolic acid 30gm , cream tacrolimus 10gm ,
cream vt care , d rop.proparacaine hyd rochlorid e 5ml eye
d rop , d rop.timolol maleate 5ml eye d rops ,
d rop.tropicamid e plus eye d rops 5ml , d rop.zinc 15ml , gel
clotrimazole mouth paint 15ml , gel triamcinolone
acetonid e oral gel 10gm , i.v. sterile opthalmic irrigation
solution , inj.2-pyrid ine ald oxime methiod id e 20ml ,
inj.aminoven i.v. 100ml , inj.bovine lipid extract surfactant
suspn 5ml , inj.bupivacaine hcl 5mg d extrose 80mg 4ml
amp , inj.butorphanol tartrate1mg , inj.chloroquine 30ml ,
inj.clonid ine 150 , inj.d extrose 500 ml , inj.d extrose ,
inj.d extrose normal saline 500ml , inj.d iatrizoate
meglumine and d iatrizoate sod ium 20ml , inj.d igoxin ,
inj.d iltiazam , inj.ephed rine , inj.equine antirabies 5ml ,
inj.gentamycin 10ml , inj.glycopyrrloate neostigmine
methyl sulphate , inj.hepatites b multi d ose 10ml ,
inj.hyaluronid ase 1500 i.u. , inj.hyd roxyethyl starch 500ml ,
inj.hyd roxypropyl methylcellulose opthalmic soln 2 ml 20
mg , inj.isolyte p , inj.isoxsuprine , inj.lid ocaine 4 tropical
solution 30ml , inj.lignocaine heavy 2ml , inj.lorazepam
2ml , inj.mesna 3ml , inj.methotrexate 1ml ,
inj.metoclopramid e 10ml , inj.metoprolol 5ml ,
inj.neostigmine 1ml , inj.normal saline 0.9 1000ml ,
inj.normal saline 0.9 100ml , inj.normal saline 0.45 500ml ,
inj.normal saline 0.9 500ml , inj.phenylephrine 10mg 1ml ,
inj.pilocarpine nitrate 1ml , inj.piperacillin 1gm tazobactum
0.125gm , inj.piracetam 60ml , inj.prochlorperazine 1ml ,
inj.reteplase recombinant tissue plasminogen activator
18mg , inj.sild enafil citrate , inj.sod ium hyaluranate 0.4ml prefilled syringe , inj.streptokinase 1500000 i.u. ,
inj.succinylechloine chlorid e 10ml , inj.tetanus
immunoglobulin 250 iu , inj.thiamine pyrid oxine
cyanocobalamine riboflavinnicotinamid e d -pantothelate ,
inj.thiopentan sod ium 500 mg , inj.triamcinolone acetonid e
, inj.trypan blue 0.8mg , inj.vecuronium bromid e 4mg ,
lotion clobetasole salicylic acid 30ml , lotion clotrimazole
1 topical solution 30ml , oil.simyl mct 50ml , oint.
ciprofloxacin eye ointment 5 gm , oint.placentrex 50gm ,
powd er activated charcoal 500gms , powd er magnesium
sulphate 200gm , sol.chloroxylenol terpinelol alcohol
absolute 500ml , sol.ecoshild 1 lit jar , sol.haemocoagulase
0.2 cu 10ml , sol.mercurochrome 400ml , sol.microbar
suspension.barium sulphate bp 95gm 100ml , sol.triclofos
500mg 30ml , suppositories d iclofenac 25mg ,
suppositories d iclofenac 12.5 mg , syp.frusemid e 30ml ,
syp.levetracetam 200ml , syp.oseltamavir 75ml ,
syp.phenytoin sod ium 200ml , syp.potassium chlorid e
200ml , syp.valporate 100ml , tab.acetyl salicylic acid
350mg , tab.alprazolam 0.5mg , tab.amitriptyline 10 mg ,
tab.amitriptyline 25 mg , tab.bisacod yl 5mg ,
tab.carbamazepine 100mg , tab.carbamazepine 200mg ,
tab.carved ilol 6.25mg , tab.chlord id zepoxid e 25mg ,
tab.chloroquine phosphate 250mg , tab.cinnarizine 25mg ,
tab.clobazam 5 mg , tab.clobazam10 mg ,
tab.clomipramine 25mg , tab.clomipramine 75mg xr ,
tab.clonazepam 0.50mg , tab.d examethasone 0.5 mg ,
tab.d i ethylcarbamazine 100mg , tab.d iazepam 10mg ,
tab.d iazepam 5 mg , tab.d iltiazem 30 mg ,
tab.escitalopram 5mg , tab.etizolam 0.25mg ,
tab.haloperid ol 10mg , tab.haloperid ol 5mg ,
tab.isotretinoin 5 mg , tab.isoxsuprine 10mg ,
tab.ivermectin 6mg , tab.ivermectine 12 mg , tab.lithium
carbonate 400mg , tab.lorazepam 1mg , tab.methotrexate
2.5mg , tab.minoxid il 5mg , tab.misoprostol 200mcg ,
tab.misoprostol 25mcg , tab.misoprostol 600mcg ,
tab.nitrazepam 10mg , tab.nitrofurantoin 100 mg ,
tab.paroxetine 12.5mg , tab.pred nisolone 40mg ,
tab.primaquine 2.5 mg , tab.primaquine 7.5 mg ,
tab.prochlorperazine 5 mg mouth d issolveing tablet ,
tab.promethazine hyd rochlorid e 25mg , tab.propanolol
40mg , tab.quetiapine 100mg sr , tab.quetiapine 200mg
sr , tab.sertrailine 25mg , tab.topiramate 25mg ,
tab.topiramate 50mg , tab.trazad one 50mg ,
tab.verapamil 120mg sr , tab.d -selected ">vitamin a 50000iu ,
tab.d -selected ">vitamin c 500mg chewable , tab.zid ovud ine 300mg
lamivud ine 150mg , tab.zinc sulphate 20mg ,
tab.zolpid em 10 mg , inj.benzathine penicillin 12lac unit ,
tab.cefad roxyl 500mg , inj.ringer lactate 500ml
cap.gynec cvp, cap.d oxepine 25mg, cap.fluoxetine 10mg,
cap.d -selected ">vitamin a 25000iu, cream fucid ic acid 15gm, cream
glycolic acid 6% 30gm, cream tacrolimus 0.03% 10gm,
cream vt care , d rop.proparacaine hyd rochlorid e 0.5% 5ml
eye d rop, d rop.timolol maleate 0.5% 5ml eye d rops,
d rop.tropicamid e plus eye d rops 5ml, d rop.zinc 20mg/1ml
(15ml), gel clotrimazole mouth paint 15ml, gel
triamcinolone acetonid e oral gel 10gm, i.v. sterile
opthalmic irrigation solution, inj.2-pyrid ine ald oxime
methiod id e 25mg/ml 20ml, inj.aminoven 10% i.v. 100ml,
inj.bovine lipid extract surfactant suspn 5ml,
inj.bupivacaine hcl-5mg +d extrose - 80mg 4ml amp,
inj.butorphanol tartrate1mg, inj.chloroquine 40 mg/ml
30ml, inj.clonid ine 150mcg/ml , inj.d extrose 10% 500 ml ,
inj.d extrose 5% 500 ml , inj.d extrose normal saline 500ml , inj.d iatrizoate meglumine and d iatrizoate sod ium 76%
20ml, inj.d igoxin 0.5 mg / 2ml, inj.d iltiazam 25 mg/5 ml,
inj.ephed rine 30mg/ml, inj.equine antirabies ig 300 iul/ml
5ml, inj.gentamycin 10ml, inj.glycopyrrloate 0.5mg +
neostigmine methyl sulphate 2.5mg/5ml, inj.hepatites b
multi d ose 10ml, inj.hyaluronid ase 1500 i.u.,
inj.hyd roxyethyl starch 6% 500ml, inj.hyd roxypropyl
methylcellulose opthalmic soln 2 ml 20 mg , inj.isolyte p,
inj.isoxsuprine 5mg/ml , inj.lid ocaine 4% tropical solution
30ml, inj.lignocaine heavy 5% 2ml, inj.lorazepam 2ml,
inj.mesna 3ml, inj.methotrexate 15mg/ml 1ml,
inj.metoclopramid e 10ml, inj.metoprolol 1mg/ml 5ml,
inj.neostigmine 1ml, inj.normal saline 0.9%w/v 1000ml,
inj.normal saline 0.9%w/v 100ml, inj.normal saline 0.45%
w/v 500ml, inj.normal saline 0.9%w/v 500ml,
inj.phenylephrine 10mg 1ml, inj.pilocarpine nitrate 1ml,
inj.piperacillin 1gm + tazobactum 0.125gm, inj.piracetam
60ml, inj.prochlorperazine 1ml, inj.reteplase recombinant
tissue plasminogen activator 18mg, inj.sild enafil citrate,
inj.sod ium hyaluranate 0.4ml prefilled syringe (cohevisc),
inj.streptokinase 1500000 i.u., inj.succinylechloine chlorid e
10ml, inj.tetanus immunoglobulin 250 iu, inj.thiamine
pyrid oxine cyanocobalamine riboflavin nicotinamid e d pantothelate , inj.thiopentan sod ium 500 mg,
inj.triamcinolone acetonid e 10mg/ml, inj.trypan blue
0.8mg, inj.vecuronium bromid e 4mg, lotion clobetasole
0.05%w/v+ salicylic acid 3%w/v 30ml, lotion clotrimazole
1%w/v topical solution 30ml, oil.simyl mct 50ml, oint.
ciprofloxacin 0.3% eye ointment 5 gm, oint.placentrex
50gm, powd er activated charcoal 500gms, powd er
magnesium sulphate 200gm, sol.chloroxylenol terpinelol
alcohol absolute 500ml, sol.ecoshild (hysile) 1 lit/jar,
sol.haemocoagulase 0.2 cu 10ml, sol.mercurochrome
400ml, sol.microbar suspension.barium sulphate bp 95gm
100ml, sol.triclofos 500mg 30ml, suppositories d iclofenac
25mg, suppositories d iclofenac 12.5 mg,
syp.frusemid e(10mg/ml)30ml, syp.levetracetam 100mg/ml
200ml, syp.oseltamavir (12mg/ml) 75ml, syp.phenytoin
sod ium 30mg/5ml 200ml, syp.potassium chlorid e
1.5gm/15ml 200ml, syp.valporate 200mg/5ml 100ml,
tab.acetyl salicylic acid 350mg, tab.alprazolam 0.5mg,
tab.amitriptyline 10 mg, tab.amitriptyline 25 mg,
tab.bisacod yl 5mg, tab.carbamazepine 100mg,
tab.carbamazepine 200mg, tab.carved ilol 6.25mg,
tab.chlord id zepoxid e 25mg, tab.chloroquine phosphate
250mg , tab.cinnarizine 25mg, tab.clobazam 5 mg,
tab.clobazam10 mg, tab.clomipramine 25mg,
tab.clomipramine 75mg xr (extend ed realese),
tab.clonazepam 0.50mg, tab.d examethasone 0.5 mg,
tab.d i ethylcarbamazine 100mg, tab.d iazepam 10mg,
tab.d iazepam 5 mg, tab.d iltiazem 30 mg, tab.escitalopram
5mg, tab.etizolam 0.25mg, tab.haloperid ol 10mg,
tab.haloperid ol 5mg, tab.isotretinoin 5 mg, tab.isoxsuprine
10mg , tab.ivermectin 6mg, tab.ivermectine 12 mg ,
tab.lithium carbonate 400mg, tab.lorazepam 1mg,
tab.methotrexate 2.5mg, tab.minoxid il 5mg,
tab.misoprostol 200mcg , tab.misoprostol 25mcg ,
tab.misoprostol 600mcg , tab.nitrazepam 10mg,
tab.nitrofurantoin 100 mg, tab.paroxetine 12.5mg,
tab.pred nisolone 40mg, tab.primaquine 2.5 mg,
tab.primaquine 7.5 mg, tab.prochlorperazine 5 mg mouth
d issolveing tablet, tab.promethazine hyd rochlorid e 25mg,
tab.propanolol 40mg, tab.quetiapine 100mg sr,
tab.quetiapine 200mg sr, tab.sertrailine 25mg, tab.topiramate 25mg, tab.topiramate 50mg,
tab.trazad one 50mg, tab.verapamil 120mg sr,
tab.d -selected ">vitamin a 50000iu, tab.d -selected ">vitamin c 500mg chewable,
tab.zid ovud ine 300mg + lamivud ine 150mg, tab.zinc
sulphate 20mg, tab.zolpid em 10 mg , inj.benzathine
penicillin 12lac unit , tab.cefad roxyl 500mg, inj.ringer
lactate 500ml
Security Services
Education And Research Institutes
TRN : 34093963
12 Mar, 2025
Security Services
TRN : 34095245
20 Mar, 2025
Tender for supply of 5 amino salicylic acid or mesalazine 1 point 2 gm ,
acarabose 25 mg tab , acarabose 50 mg tab ,
acebrophyllin 100 mg plus acetylcystine 600 mg tab ,
acebrophylline 200 mg tab , aceclofenac 100 mg plus
serratiopeptid ase 15 mg plus paracetamol 325 mg tab ,
aceclofenac 100 mg plus thioccochicosid e 4 mg tab ,
acenocoumarol 2 mg tab tab , acenocoumarol 1 mg tab
tab , acetaminophen 325 mg plus tramad ol 37 point 5 mg
tab , acetylcystine 600 mg tab , acotiamid e 100 mg ,
ad emetionine 400 mg tab , ad hesive plaster zinc oxid e 7
point 5 cm x 5 mtr , albend azole 200 mg tab , alend ronate
sod ium 70 mg tab , alfacalcid ol vit d 3 0 point 25 mcg cap ,
alfuzosin 10 mg tab , allopurinol 100 mg tab , allopurinol
300 mg tab , aloe vera and d -selected ">vitamin e lotion bott of 100 ml
, alpha ketoanlogue 200 mg tab , alprazolam 0 point 25 mg
tab , alprazolam 0 point 5 mg tab , amantad ine 100 mg
tab , amiod arone 200 mg tab , amitriptylline 10 mg tab ,
amlod ipine 10 mg tab , amlod ipine 2 point 5 mg tab ,
antacid chewable containing d ried aluminium hyd roxid e ip
250 mg plus magnesium hyd roxid e nf 250 mg plus methyl
polysiloxane 50 mg tab , antacid gel each 5 ml containing
d ried aluminium hyd roxid e ip 250 mg plus magnesium
hyd roxid e nf 250 mg plus methyl polysiloxane 50 mg bott
of 400 ml , anti haemorroid al cream with anti
haemorhoid al ointment containing betamethasone 0 point
05 percent phenylephrine 0 point 1percent and lignocaine 2
point 5 percent tube of 15 gm with applicator , apixaban 2
point 5 mg tab , aripiprazole 5 mg tab , aristozyme syrup
each 5 ml containing d iastase 1 is to 1200 50 mg plus
pepsin 1 is to 3000 10 mg bottle of 200 ml , aspirin 150 mg
tab , aspirin 75 mg tab , atenolol 50 mg plus amlod ipine 5 mg tab , atorvastatin 40 mg tab , azelastine hcl 140 mcg
plus fluticasone propionate 50 mcg bp nasal spray ,
d ressing first aid unmed icated sterile strip size 1 inch x 3
inch , band age crepe 10 cm , band age crepe 15 cm ,
beclomethasone d ipropionate 50 mcg and levosalbutamol
50 mcg per metred d ose in cfc free inhaler , povid ine
iod ine 2 percent gargles and mouth wash 100 ml bott ,
betahistine 16 mg tab , betahistine 8 mg tab , ointment
betamethasone d ipropionate 0 point 05 percent and
salicylic acid 3 percent tube of 20 grams tube of 20 gm ,
betamethasone 0 point 1 percent plus neomycin 0 percent
5 percent oint tube of 20 gm , bethanechol 25 mg tab ,
bicalutamid e 50 mg tab , bilastine 20 mg d ispersible tab ,
bimatoprost 0 point 03 percent w by v eye d rops bott of 3
ml , biotin 5 mg tab , bisacod yl 5 mg tab , bisoprolol 2
point 5 mg tab , bisoprolol 5 mg tab , brmonid ine 0 point 2
eye d rops bott of 5 ml , brmonid ine 0 point 2 percent plus
timolol 0 point 5percent eye d rops bott of 5 ml ,
brivaracetam 50 mg tab , bromlein 180 mg plus trypsin 96
mg plus rutosid e 200 mg tab , bud esonid e 0 point 5 mg
respules , bud esonid e 0 point 5 mg plus formoterol 20 mcg
respules , canagliflozin 100 mg tab , cap silod osin 8 mg
plus d utasterid e 0 point 5 mg , carbamezapine 200 mg tab
, carbamezapine 400 mg cr tab , carved ilol 10 mg ,
carved ilol 3 point 125 mg , carved ilol 6 point 25 mg ,
cefixime 100 mg tab , cefpod oxime 200 mg plus
cefpod oxime 200mg plus clavulanate 125 mg tab ,
cefuroxime 250 mg tab , cefuroxime 500 mg plus
clavulanic acid 125 mg tab , cetrizine 5 mg plus
paracetamol 325 mg plus phenylephrine hcl 5 mg tab ,
chlord iazepoxid e 10 mg tab , chlord iazepoxid e 5 mg plus
clid inium 2 point 5 mg tab , chlorhexed ine mouthwash 2
percent bott of 100 ml , chlorthalid one 12 point 5 mg tab ,
chlorzoxazone 500 mg plus d iclofenac sod ium 50 mg plus
paracetamol 325 mg tab , chlecalciferol 60000 iu sachet
vit d 3 60000 iu per 1gm , cholesterol kit , cilnid ipine
10 mg tab , cilnid ipine 20 mg tab , cilnid ipine 5 mg tab ,
cilostazol 100 mg tab , cinnarizine 25 mg tab ,
ciprofloxacin 500 mg plus tinid azole 600 mg tab ,
ciprofloxacin 250 mg tab , ciprofloxacin 500 mg tab ,
clind amycin 1 percent gel tube of 10 gm , clind amycin 300
mg cap , clobazam 10 mg tab , clobetasol 0 point 05
percent plus miconazole 2 percent plus gentamicin 0 point 1
percent oint tube of 10 gm , clobetasol propionate cream 0
point 05 percent oint tube of 10 gm , clonazepam 0 point
25 mg tab , clonazepam 0 point 5 mg tab , clonid ine 100
mcg tab , clopid ogrel 75 mg plus aspirin 75 mg tab ,
clotrimazole d usting powd er 1 percent w by w bott of 75
gm , collagen based granules sachet of 10 point 7 gm ,
collagen peptid e 40mg plus sod ium hyaluronate 30 mg plus
chond riotin 200 mg tab , cotrimoxazole d s
sulphamethoxazole 800 mg plus trimethoprim 160 mg tab
, cotton wool absorbent 50 gm , cotton wool absorbent
500 gm , cough lozengs , creatinine kit , cremaffin liquid
paraffin 1 point 25 mg plus milk of magnesia magnesium
hyd roxid e 3 point 75 mg plus sod ium picosulphste 3 point
33 mg syp bott of 170 ml , cyclophosphomid e 50 mg tab ,
cyproheptad ine 4 mg tab , d apagliflozin 10 mg tab ,
d apagliflozin 5 mg tab , d eflazacort 6 mg tab , d engue
test kit ns1 antigen igg and igm kit of 10 tests ,
d esensitising paste stannous fluorid e potassium
nitrate sod mono fluorophosphate tube of 50 gm ,
d esid ustat 50 mg tab , d iclofenac 50 mg plus paracetamol
325 mg plus serratiopeptid ase 10 mg tab , d iclofenac 50 mg plus serratiopeptid ase 10 mg tab , d iclofenac 100 mg
sr tab , spray d iclofenac d iethylamine 1 point 16 percent
55 gms , d icyclomine 20 mg plus paracetamol 500 mg tab ,
d igoxin 0 point 25 mg tab , d iltiazem 60 mg tab , d iltiazem
90 mg sr tab , d iltiazem cd 120 cap or tab , d isod ium
hyd rogen citrate 1 point 53 gm per 5 ml syp bott of 100 ml
, d isposable insulin pen need le 6mm 31g , d omperid one 10
mg tab , d osulepin 25 mg tab , d osulepin 50 mg tab ,
d oxophyllin 400 mg tab , d oxycycline 100 mg cap ,
d rotaverine 80 mg plus acceclofenac 100 mg tab ,
d uoloxetine 20 tab or cap , d uoloxetine 30 tab or cap ,
d utasterid e 0 point 5 mg tab , ear d rop chloramphenicol 5
percent w by v percent clotrimazole 1percent plus w by v
plus betamethasone 0 point 25 percent w by v plus
lignocaine hcl 2 percent w by v bottle of 5ml , ecg gel ,
eye d rop brinzolamid e 1 percent plus brmonid ine 0 point 3
percent bott of 5 ml , eye d rop ciprofloxacin 0 point 3
percent plus d examethasone 0 point 1 percent bott of 5 ml ,
eye d rop ciprofloxacin 0 point 3 bott of 5 ml , eye d rop
d orzolamid e 2 percent w by v bott of 5 ml , eye d rop
hyd roxy methylcellulose 0 point 3 percent plus d extran 0
point 1percent plus glycerine 0 point 2 percent plus
polyquad preservative 0 point 001 point bott of 10 ml , eye
d rop lotepred nol 0 point 5 percent plus moxifloxacin 0 point
5 percent bott of 5 ml , eye d rop moxifloxacin 0 point 5
percent plus d examethasone 0 point 1 percent bott of 5 ml ,
eye d rop nepafenac 0 point 1 percent bott of 5 ml , eye
d rop olopatad ine 0 point1 percent plus ketorolac 0 point 4
percent bott of 5 ml , eye d rop pred nisolone 1 percent bott
of 5 ml , eye d rop sod ium hyaluronate 1 mg per ml
preservative free phosphate free with comod systeml bott of
5 ml , eye d rop travoprost 0 point 004 percent w by v with
polyquad 0 point 001 percent bott of 2 point 5 ml , enalapril
10 mg tab , enalapril 5 mg tab , eplerenone 25 mg tab ,
escitalopram 10 mg plus clonazepam 0 point 5 mg tab ,
escitalopram 10 mg tab , escitalopram 20 mg tab ,
escitalopram 5 mg tab , esomeprazole 20 mg tab ,
esomeprazole 20 mg plus d omperid one 30 mg tab ,
etizolam 0 point 5mg tab , etophylline 77 mg plus
theophyllin 23 mg 100 mg tab , etophylline 115 mg plus
theophyllin 35 mg sr 150 mg tab , etoricoxib 120 mg tab ,
etoricoxib 90 mg tab , etoricoxib 60 mg tab , eye oint
hypermellose 2 percent hyd roxypropyl methyl cellulose 2
percent , ezetimibe 10 mg tab , faropenum 300 mg er tab
, febuxostat 40 mg tab , febuxostat 80 mg tab ,
fenofibrate 145 mg tab , fenofibrate 160 mg tab ,
fenofibrate 200 mg tab , ferrous fumarate plus folic
acid hb plus or autrin cap haematinic iron plus folic acid
heamatinic containing a ferrous fumarate with 100 mg
elemental iron b folic acid 500 mcg to 1500 mcg ,
flunarizine 10 mg tab , fluoxetine 20mg tab , flupentixol 0
point 5 mg plus melitracen 10 mg tab , fluticasone furoate
27 point 5 mcg per d ose nasal spray bottle of 120 metered
d oses , foleys cathether silicon 2 way size 14 fg , foleys
cathether silicon 2 way size 16 fg
Security Services
TRN : 34095303
20 Mar, 2025
Tender for supply of pramipexole 0 point 5 mg tab , prasugrel 10 mg tab ,
prasugrel 5 mg tab , prazocin sr 2 point 5 mg tab ,
prazocin sr 5 mg tab , pred nisolone 20 mg tab ,
pred nisolone 5 mg tab , pregabalin 75 mg plus nortriptyline
10 mg tab , pregabalin 75 mg plus methylcobalamin 1500
mg tab , pregabalin 75 mg , pre probiotc tab , propranolol
10 mg tab , propranolol 20 mg tab , propranolol tr 40 mg
tab , protein powd er pack or tin of 200 gm , quetiapine 50
mg tab , rabeprazole 20 mg tab , rabeprazole 20mg plus
itoprid e 50mg tab , rabeprazole 20 mg plus d omperid one
30 mg sustained release tab , ramipril 10 mg tab ,
ramipril 2 point 5 mg tab , ramipril 5 mg tab , ranitid ine
hcl 50 mg amp of 2 ml inj , repaglinid e 0 point 5 mg tab ,
respule levosalbutamol 1 point 25 mg in 2 point 5 ml ,
rifaximin 550 mg tab , ripasud il 0 point 4 percent w by v
bott of 5 ml eye d rops , risperid one 1 mg tab , risperid one
2 mg tab , risperid one 4 mg plus trihexephened yl 2 mg
tab , rivoraxaban 20 mg tab , roller band age open woven
uncompressed 10 cm x 4 metres , roller band age open
wove uncompressed 6 cm x 4 metres , rosuvastatin 10 mg
plus fenofibrate 160 mg tab , rosuvastatin 10 mg tab ,
rosuvastatin 20 mg tab , rosuvastatin 40 mg tab , rotacap
salmeterol 50 mcg plus fluticasone 250 mcg , rotahaler ,
saccharomyces boulard ii 250 mg cap , sachet pre probiotic
fructooligosaccharid e plus bifid obacterium plus
streptococcus plus lactobacillus , salbutamol 200 md i each
metered d ose supplies 100 mcg of salbutamol md i ,
salmeterol 50 mcg plus fluticasone propionate 250 mcg
seretid e accuhaler , saroglitazar 4 mg tab , sertraline 50
mg tab , sevelamer 400 mg tab , sgot kit erba , sgpt
kit erba , silod osin 4 mg tab , silod osin 8 mg cap , silver sufad iazine oint 1 percent tube of 20 gm , sitagliptin 50
mg tab , sitagliptin 50 mg tab plus metformin 1000 mg tab
, sitagliptin 50mg tab plus metformin 500mg tab , sod ium
bicarbonate 1000 mg tab , sod ium bicarbonate 500 mg tab
, tab sod ium valproate 300 mg cr , solifenacin 10 mg tab ,
spironolactone 25 mg tab , spironolactone 50 mg ,
sucralfate suspension 1gm per 5ml bott of 200 ml ,
sulphacetamid e 20 percent w by v eye d rops amber bottle
with self d ropper bott of 10 ml , sulphasalazine 1 gm tab ,
sumitriptan 50 mg tab , syp iron with d -selected ">vitamin b12 and folic
acid bottle of 200 ml , syp paracetamol 162 mg plus
ibuprofen 100 mg 60 ml suspension , syp cyproheptad ine
hcl 2 mg per 5 ml bott of 100 ml , syp potassium citrate
1100mg plus citric acid or magnesium citrate 300 to
400mg per 5 ml bott of 100 ml , syp tricholine citrate 0
point 55 mg plus sorbitol 7 point 15 gm per 10 ml bott of
200 ml , syringe d isposable sterile 10 ml with need le ,
syringe d isposable plastic 20 ml with need le , syringe
d isposable plastic sterile 2 ml with need le , syringe
d isposable plastic 3 ml with need le , syringe d isposable
plastic sterile 5 ml with need le , tad alafil 5 mg tab ,
tamsulosin 0 point 4 mg plus d utasterid e 0 point 5 mg tab ,
tamsulosin 0 point 4 mg tab , taurine 500 mg plus
acetylcystine 150 mg tab , telmisartan 20 mg tab ,
telmisartan 80 mg tab , telmisartan 40 mg plus
hyd rochlorothiazid e 12 point 5 mg tab , teneligliptin 20 mg
plus metformin 500 mg tab , teneligliptin 20 mg tab ,
tennis elbow support , tenofovir alafenamid e 25 mg tab ,
terbinafine 250mg tab , terbinafine 1 percent cream tube
of 10 gm , thalid omid e 50 mg tab , thiocolchicosid e 4 mg
tab , thyroxine 100 mcg tab , thyroxine 12 point 5 mcg ,
thyroxine 125 mcg tab , thyroxine 150 mcg tab ,
thyroxine 25 mcg tab , thyroxine 50 mcg tab , thyroxine
75 mcg tab , timolol maleate 0 point 05 percent eye d rop
bott of 5 ml , tinid azole 500 mg tab , tiotropium 18 mcg
rotacap , tiotropium bromid e 9 mcg 120 metered d oses
per unit inhaler , tofacitinib 5 mg tab , tolperisone sr 150
mg tab , tolterod ine 2 mg tab , tolterod ine 4 mg tab ,
tolvaptan 15 mg tab , torsemid e 100 mg tab , torsemid e
10 mg plus spironolactone 50 mg tab , torsemid e 10 mg
tab , torsemid e 20 mg tab , torsemid e 5 mg plus
spironolactone 25 mg tab , torsemid e 5 mg tab , tramad ol
50 mg cap , tranexamic acid 500 mg plus mefenamic acid
250 mg tab , triamcinalone 0 point 1 percent w by w for
oral use tube of 10 gm , trihexyphenid yl 2 mg tab ,
trimetazid ine 60 sr tab , trimetazid ine mr 35 mg tab ,
trypsin with chymotrypsin tab 6 is to 1 100000 au enteric
coated tab , urinary bag capacity 200 ml , urine container
d isposable , uristick bott 100 strip , ursod eoxycholic
acid 600 mg tab , ursod eoxycholic acid 300 mg tab ,
vaccum blood collection tube sterile ed ta 2ml or 3 ml ,
vaccum blood collection tube sterile with sod ium fluorid e
2 or 3 ml , vild agliptin 50 mg tab , d -selected ">vitamin b 5 mg d -selected ">vitamin
b1 10 mg magnesium 100 mg d -selected ">vitamin a 2500 iu niacinam
20mg d -selected ">vitamin c 45 mg zinc 15 mg biotin 30 mcg maganese
2 mg chromium chromic 50 mcg copper 1 mg selenium
100 , d -selected ">vitamin e 200 mg cap , voglibose 0 point 2 mg tab ,
voglibose 0 point 3 mg tab , wid al test , xylometazoline 0
point 1 percent w by v nasal d rops bott of 10 ml , zolpid em
10 mg tab , cap i site plus lutein plus astaxanthin plus l
glutatathione , colostrum 500 mg , inj eld ervit , bud esonid e
plus formoterol plus glycopyrolate md i , nephro powd er ,
bud esonid e plus formoterol plus glycopyrolate rotacaps ,
eslicarbazepine 400 mg , serum albumin kit erba , calcium kit erba , d iluent cell pack 20 ltr erba , e lite h clean erba
50 ml , hb a1c kit beacon , hyd rochloric acid n by10 500
ml , glucose strip control d pack of 50 , vacutainer red top
5 ml , total protein kit erba , amylase kit erba , sod ium
citrate 500 ml , glass tube small , thermal printer paper
roll , abd ominal swab 40 x 25 cm with tape 30 cm ,
acebrophyllin 200 mg plus fexofend ine 120 mg plus
monteleukast 10 mg tab , acebrophylline 100 mg tab ,
aceclofenac 100 mg plus paracetamol 325 mg plus
chloroxazone 250 mg tab , aceclofenac sr 200 mg tab ,
amitriptylline 50 mg tab , amitriptylline 25 mg tab ,
amlod ipine 5 mg plus metoprolol 25mg tab , amlod ipine 5
mg plus metoprolol 50 mg tab , antiseptic mouth wash
containing sod ium fluorid e and triclosan bott of 100 to 150
ml , aripiprazole 10 mg tab , armlet rubber for bp
apparatus , aspirin 150 mg plus clopid ogrel 75 mg tab ,
aspirin 150 mg plus atorvastatin 10 mg tab , aspirin 150
mg plus atorvastatin 10 mg clopid ogrel 75 mg tab , aspirin
150 mg plus atorvastatin 20 mg plus clopid ogrel 75 mg tab
, baclofen 10 mg tab , baclofen 20 mg tab , band aid strip
, bellow for bp apparatus , benzoyl peroxid e 5 percent w by
w gel tube of 30 gm , biotin 10 mg iron 8 mg l cystiene 5
mg manganese 5 mg copper selenium l lysine 20 mg zinc
25 mg d imethionine 40 mg calcium pantothenate 50 mg
niacinamid e 50 mg tab , blood transfusion set set
plasma blood saline giving plastic d isposable presterilised
pyrogen free complete with airline and nylon filter , box
d enture , bromhexine 2 mg plus guaifenesin 50 mg plus
menthol 1 mg plus terbutaline 1 point 25 mg per 5 ml syrup
bott of 100 ml , bud esonid e 200 mcg rotacap d ry powd er ,
calcium carbonate 500 mg plus calcitirol 0 point 25 mcg
plus methylcobalamin 1500 mcg plus vit k2 40 mcg plus
zinc 7 point 5 mg tab
Sports And Health Services
TRN : 34095436
20 Mar, 2025
Tender Value :
11.51 Lacs
Tender for supply of ferritin elisa method 96 wells , testosterone elisa kit for
blood 96 wells , free testosterone elisa kit for blood 96
wells , salivary testosterone test kit 96 wells , cortisol elisa
kit for blood 96 wells , salivary cortisol test kit 96 wells ,
d -selected ">vitamin d 3 elisa kits 96 wells , free d -selected ">vitamin d elisa test
kit , d -selected ">vitamin d bind ing protein d bp elisa test kit , intact
parathyroid hormone elisa test kit , alkaline phosphatase
elisa test kit bone specific , interleukin 6 96 wells , soluble
transferrin receptor 96 wells , hepcid in 96 wells ,
d isposable syringe with need le is 2.5 ml 100 or pk ,
d isposable syringe with need le 5 ml 100 or pk , d isposable
syringe with need le 10 ml 100 or pk , lancents 100 or pk ,
vaccutainer tubes plain red 100 or pk , vaccutainer with
ed ta 100 or pk , vaccutainer with heparin 100 or pk ,
vaccutainer yellow with coagulant separating gel 100 or pk ,
vacutainer tube sod ium fluorid e grey cap , sod ium cilrate
tube blue cap , vaccutainer with need les 100 or pk , cotton
250 gms , spirit 400 ml , tissue rolls , micropipette tips blue
1000 or pk , micropipette tips yellow 1000 or pk , storage
vials mct tubes 2 ml 500 or pk , esr tubes 100 or pk , blood
group sera 1x10 ml each , waste collection bags 100 or pk ,
glucometer reputable brand , glucose strips same brand ,
gluconometer battery , saliva collection tubes 100 or pk ,
sod ium hypo chlorid e 1 ltrs , hand gloves 100 or pk ,
sterilium 500 ml , cleansol liquid 500 ml , hand wash liquid
soap 200 ml , biological waste collection bins 10kg , quality
control serum erba , biorad quality control serum
liquicheck unassayed chemistry control human , 2 ml
sample storage screw cap vials 100 pack , tip rack for blue
tips with 96 positions , tip rack for yellow tipswith 96
positions , urine containers sterile 500 or pk , round spot
band age ad hesive strips , med i tape i micropore , med i
tape1 or 2 inc , printer paper roll thermal paper 5.5cm ,
test tube brush small,med ium , test tube rack plastic , test
tube rack metal , timer , tourniquet , laboratory d ropper
bottle , apron for washing person , lab coat apron , d istilled
water can with zeo td s 20l , crp test kit , micro slid es 50
per pack , microscopic cover glass coverslip 20 per pack ,
vd rl test kit , ra test kit 1x10 ml , urine strip for routine
or complete analysis , wid al tests 4x5 ml , d engue test ,
typhi igm and iga card d etection of s typhi igg and igm
antibod ie , leishman stain 500 ml , hbsag rapid test , hiv
rapid test , hcv rapid test , malaria kit , covid 19 ag
d etection kit , capillay tubes without anticoagulant ,
glucose reagent enzymetic god , filter paper round 12.5
cm 100 circles per pack , urine pregnancy test upt
Security Services
TRN : 34096186
19 Mar, 2025
Tender for supply of potassium chlorid e liquid 1 point 5 gm or 15 ml bott of 200
ml , paraffin wax melting 56 d egree centigrad e to 60 d egree
centigrad e of physiotherapy wax , acne excela lotion bott
of 50 gm , ad apt skin barrier paste tube of 60 gm , alovera
and d -selected ">vitamin e cream tube of 60 gm , amorolfine 5 percent
w or v med icated nail lacquer bott of 2 point 5 ml ,
betamethasone 0 point 1 percent w or w cream tube of 20
gm , clobetasol propionate 0 point 05 percent gentamycin 0
point 1percent and miconozole nitrate 2 point 0 percent
cream tube of 15 gm , clobetasol propionate 0 point 05
percent and neomycin sulphate 0 point 50 percent cream
tube of 20 gm , clobetasol propionate 0 point 05 percent
and gentamycin 0 point1 percent cream tube of 20 gm ,
framycetin sulphate bp 1 percent cream 20 gm ,
tolterod ine 2 mg tab , torsemid e 5 mg and spironolactone
25 mg tab , triflurid ine 20 mg and tipiracil 19 mg tab ,
trimetazid ine 20 mg tab , trypsin chymotrypsin 50000 au
and d iclofenac potassium 50 mg tab , warfarin 5 mg tab ,
zolpid em 10 mg tab , combipack of amoxicillin 750mg
tinid azole 500 mg and omeprazole 20 mg , levosulpirid e
75mg plus esomeprazole 40mg cap , probiotic and
probiotics with betaglucan capsules , racecad otril 100 mg
cap , human albumin 20 percent in bott of 100ml
Security Services
TRN : 34097587
20 Mar, 2025
Tender Value :
76.3 Thousand
Security Services
TRN : 34097792
18 Mar, 2025
Tender for supply of tab aceclofenac 100 plus paracetamol 325 plus
chloroxazone 250 tab hifenac mr , tab acarbose 50 mg ,
tab alprazolam 0 point 5 mg , tab acetazolamid e 250 mg ,
tab alfuzocin 10 mg plus d utasterid e 0 point 5 mg , cap
amoxicillin 250mg , tab biculatamid e 50mg , tab biotin 10
mg , tab chlorthalid one 12 point 5 mg , tab cetrizine 5mg
plus paracetamol 325mg plus phenylephrine hcl 5mg cold
plus , tab carved ilol 10mg carca cr , tab carbid opa 25 plus
levod opa 250 mg synd opa 275 mg , tab collagen peptid e
40mg plus sod ium hyaluronate 30mg plus chond roitin
200mg , tab clozapine 50 mg , tab d apagliflozin 5 mg , tab
etoricoxib 120 mg , tab fenofibrate 160mg , tab
glibenclamid e 5 mg , tab glipizid e 5 mg , tab
hyd roxychloroquine 300mg , tab ibuprofen 400 mg , tab
ivabrad ine 5 mg , tab lacosamid e 200 mg , tab lamivud ine
150 mg plus zid ovud ine 300 mg , tab lorazepam 1mg , tab
mecobalamine 1500 mcg , tab methylcobalamin 1500mcg
plus alpha lipoic acid 100mg plus myoinositol 100mg plus
folic acid 1 point 5mg plus chromium picolinate 200mcg
plus selenium 55mcg plus benfotiamine 150mg nuhenz
cap , tab montelukast 10mg plus levocetrizine 5mg , tab
neurobion fort , liq normal saline 500 ml , tab
northisterone 5 mg , tab pancreatin 300 mg , tab
pantoprazole 40 mg plus d omperid one sr 30 mg , tab
paracetamol plus chlorpheniramine maleate plus
phenylephrine hyd rochlorid e common cold , tab
pentoxifylline 400mg trental , tab pioglitazone 30 mg , tab
quetiapine 100 mg , tab rivaroxaban 20 mg , tab
sumatriptan 85 mg plus naproxen 500 mg tab , tab
sevelamer 400mg tab , tab silod osin 4 mg plus
d utasteroid e 0 point 5 mg , tab solifenacin 10 mg tab soliten , tab sacubitril 49mg point valsartan 51mg tab
vymad a 100 , tab torsemid e 20 mg d ytor , tab trazod one
50 mg , tab telmisartan 40 mg plus metoprolol 50 mg ,
cream terbinafine 1 percent ww 20 gm , thermoseal tooth
paste 100 gm , tab d -selected ">vitamin e 400 mg , tab tinid azole
500mg , syp guaiphenesin ip 100mg plus
d extramethorphan 10mg plus phenylepherine 5mg plus
chlorpheniramine 4mg each 5ml sugar free syp bott of
100ml , syp cough sed ative 100ml , surgical knee cap m ,
surgical knee cap l , surgical knee cap xl , surgical knee
cap xxl , surgical lumbo sarcal belt l , surgical lumbo
sarcal belt xl , surgical lumbo sarcal belt xxl , surgical
sterile gauze swab 7 point 5 cm x 7 point 5 cm , surgical
non sterile gauze piece appx 21 meter per piece , surgical
wound aid , surgical i v set , surgical intracath 18 g ,
surgical intracath 20 g , surgical intracath 22 g , surgical
intracath 24 g , surgical nasogastric tube 16 f , surgical
nasogastric tube 18 f , surgical urinary cathetar 14 f ,
surgical urinary cathetar 16 f , surgical urine bag , surgical
cotton 50gm pkt , surgical elastoplast , ecg paper roll
comen and mod el no point 1200a , inh sabutamol 100 mcg
inhaler , inh asthalin , inh bud esonid e ip 400mg plus
formetrol fumarate 6mcg d ose foracort inhaler , inh inh
formoterol 6 mcg plus tiotropium 9mcg md i d uova , inh
salmetrol 25mcg plus fluticasone 250mcg seroflow md i ,
rotacap formoterol 6mcg plus bud esonid e 400mcg ,
rotacap salmeterol 50 mcg plus fluticasone 250 mg , oint
clobetasole plus neomycin plus miconazole oint 20 gm ,
oint luliconazole cream 30 gm , oint
chlorhexid inegluconate ip gel 15 gm , oint clind amycin 1
percent gel 20 gm , liq glycerin ip bott of 100ml , lot gum
paint 15 ml , inh inh salmeterol 25mcg plus fluticasone
125mcg 120 md i seroflow , inj ciprofloxacin 200 mg 100 ml
, inj erythropoietin recombinant human 10000 iu , inj
glargine 100iu ml 3ml cart , inj insulin humalog kwick lispro
inj recombinan rd na origin 100iu ml pen , insulin humalog
mixtard 50 or 50 3ml cart or pfs , inj insulin lispro biphasic
25 or 75 25 percent insulin lispro and 75 percent insuline
lispro protamine suspension 100iu per ml 3ml humalog mix
25 3ml pen , inj erythropoietin recombinant human 4000 iu
, inj insulin glargine 100 iu lantus pen , inh levosalbutamol
50 mcg plus ipratrpopium bromid e 20 mcg , ed
hyd roxypropylmethylcellulose 0 point 7 percent wv 5 ml ,
ed ciprofloxacin plus hyd roxypropyl methylcellulose eye or
ear d rops , nd saline nasal d rop , band age band age crepe
10cm , band age band age crepe 15cm , cream
beclomethasone d ipropionate and neomycin cream , lab
vaccum blood collection tubes ed ta , lab d isposable
syringe 5ml , lab alcohol , lab d istilled water , lab urine
sugar strip uristix , lab wid al kit , lab cotton 500 gm , lab
vaccum blood collection tubes plain , hiv card , hbsag
card , mp card , d engue card
tab aceclofenac 100 + paracetamol 325 + chloroxazone
250 tab (hifenac mr), tab acarbose 50 mg , tab alprazolam
0.5 mg, tab acetazolamid e 250 mg, tab alfuzocin 10 mg +
d utasterid e 0.5 mg , cap amoxicillin 250mg, tab
biculatamid e 50mg , tab biotin 10 mg, tab chlorthalid one
12.5 mg , tab cetrizine 5mg+paracetamol
325mg+phenylephrine hcl 5mg (cold plus), tab carved ilol
10mg (carca cr), tab carbid opa 25 + levod opa 250 mg
(synd opa 275 mg), tab collagen peptid e 40mg + sod ium
hyaluronate 30mg + chond roitin 200mg , tab clozapine 50
mg, tab d apagliflozin 5 mg , tab etoricoxib 120 mg, tab
fenofibrate 160mg , tab glibenclamid e 5 mg, tab glipizid e 5 mg, tab hyd roxychloroquine 300mg , tab ibuprofen 400
mg , tab ivabrad ine 5 mg , tab lacosamid e 200 mg , tab
lamivud ine 150 mg + zid ovud ine 300 mg , tab lorazepam
1mg , tab mecobalamine 1500 mcg , tab methylcobalamin
(1500mcg) + alpha lipoic acid (100mg) + myo-inositol
(100mg), tab montelukast 10mg + levocetrizine 5mg, tab
neurobion fort, liq normal saline 500 ml, tab northisterone
5 mg , tab pancreatin 300 mg, tab pantoprazole 40 mg +
d omperid one sr 30 mg , tab paracetamol +
chlorpheniramine maleate + phenylephrine hyd rochlorid e,
tab pentoxifylline (400mg) (trental ), tab pioglitazone 30
mg, tab quetiapine 100 mg , tab rivaroxaban 20 mg , tab
sumatriptan 85 mg + naproxen 500 mg tab, tab sevelamer
400mg tab, tab silod osin 4 mg + d utasteroid e 0.5 mg , tab
solifenacin 10 mg tab(soliten ), tab sacubitril (49mg) +
valsartan (51mg) tab (vymad a 100), tab torsemid e 20 mg
(d ytor), tab trazod one 50 mg , tab telmisartan 40 mg +
metoprolol 50 mg , cream terbinafine 1% w/w, 20 gm,
thermoseal tooth paste, 100 gm, tab d -selected ">vitamin e 400 mg,
tab tinid azole 500mg, syp guaiphenesin ip 100mg +
d extramethorphan 10mg + phenylepherine 5mg, syp cough
sed ative 100ml, surgical knee cap (m), surgical knee cap
(l), surgical knee cap (xl), surgical knee cap (xxl), surgical
lumbo sarcal belt l, surgical lumbo sarcal belt xl, surgical
lumbo sarcal belt xxl, surgical sterile gauze swab ( 7.5 cm
x 7.5 cm ) , surgical non sterile gauze piece (appx 21
meter per piece), surgical wound aid , surgical i v set,
surgical intracath 18 g, surgical intracath 20 g, surgical
intracath 22 g, surgical intracath 24 g, surgical nasogastric
tube 16 f, surgical nasogastric tube 18 f, surgical urinary
cathetar 14 f, surgical urinary cathetar 16 f, surgical urine
bag, surgical cotton 50gm pkt, surgical elastoplast, roll
ecg paper roll for (mfg : comen & mod el no. 1200a), inh
sabutamol 100 mcg inhaler, inh asthalin, inh bud esonid e ip
400mg+ formetrol fumarate 6mcg/d ose (foracort inhaler),
inh inh formoterol 6 mcg+tiotropium 9mcg md i (d uova),
inh salmetrol 25mcg + fluticasone 250mcg (seroflow) md i,
rotacap formoterol (6mcg) + bud esonid e (400mcg),
rotacap salmeterol 50 mcg+ fluticasone 250 mg , oint
clobetasole + neomycin + miconazole oint 20 gm, oint
luliconazole cream 30 gm, oint chlorhexid inegluconate i.p.
gel 15 gm, oint clind amycin 1% gel 20 gm, liq glycerin ip
bott of 100ml, lot gum paint 15 ml, inh inh salmeterol
25mcg + fluticasone 125mcg 120 md i (seroflow), inj
ciprofloxacin 200 mg/100 ml, inj erythropoietin recombinant
human 10000 iu, inj glargine 100iu/ml 3ml cart, inj insulin
humalog kwick lispro inj (recombinan r-d na origin)
100iu/ml pen, insulin humalog mixtard 50/50 , 3ml cart/pfs,
inj insulin lispro biphasic 25/75 humalog mix 25 3ml pen, inj
erythropoietin recombinant human 4000 iu , inj insulin
glargine 100 i/u (lantus) pen, inh levosalbutamol 50 mcg +
ipratrpopium bromid e 20 mcg , e/d ed
hyd roxypropylmethylcellulose (0.7% w/v)5 ml, e/d
ciprofloxacin + hyd roxypropyl methylcellulose eye/ear
d rops, n/d saline nasal d rop, band age band age crepe
10cm, band age band age crepe 15cm, cream
beclomethasone d ipropionate and neomycin cream, lab
vaccum blood collection tubes ed ta , lab d isposable
syringe 5ml, lab alcohol, lab d istilled water, lab urine
sugar strip (uristix), lab wid al kit, lab cotton ( 500 gm ),
lab vaccum blood collection tubes plain, hiv card , hbsag
card , mp card , d engue card
Health Services And Equipments
TRN : 34098660
12 Mar, 2025
Tender for supply of cap. amoxycillin , tab. amoxycillin 500 and clavulanate
acid 625 , tab. amoxycillin d t , syp. amoxycillin , tab.
albend azole , syp albend azole , tab. amlod ipine , tab
azithromycin , tab pheniramine , tab. antacid , syp.
antacid 170 ml , tab. vit b. complex , tab.. calcium
500 mg and d -selected ">vitamin d 3 250 iu , tab.. cetirizine 10 mg ,
tab.. ciprofloxacin 500 mg , chloramphenicol eye
applicap , ciproflox eye and ear d rop , tab.
clotrimazole vaginal pessary , tab. d icyclomine
paracetamol , tab. d iclofenac 50 mg , taab. iron folic
acid iron 60 mg and fa 500 mg , tab. folic acid 5 mg ,
tab. metronid azole 400 mg , cap. multid -selected ">vitamin , tab.
fluconazole 150 mg , tab. ofloxacin and ornid azole
, tab. paracetamol 500 mg , syp. paracetamol 60ml ,
syp. promethazine 60ml , tab. metoclopramid e 10 mg ,
tab. pantoprazole 40 mg , tab. pantop d , syp.
multid -selected ">vitamin with zinc 100ml , vit. d sachet 60000 iu
vit d granules in 1 gm , ointment clotrimazole 15 gm ,
ointment silver sulphad iazine 15 gm , ointment
permethrin 30gm , antibiotic power composition
bactracin , povid one iod ine ointment 15 gm tube ,
povid one iod ine solution , ointment d iclofenac gel
30 mg , ointment beclomethasone , hand sanitizer ,
tab. salbutamol , tab. tinid azole , tab. ivermectin ,
upt kit , tab d -selected ">vitamin c , gargle povid one iod ine , ors
powd er 21 gm pkt , tab. d oxylamine 10mg and
pyrid oxine 10 mg , tab. metformin , tab. glimepirid e ,
taab. telmisartan , glucon d 75mg , povid one iod ine
pessary , tab. norflox tz norfloxacin 400mg and
tinid azole 600mg , tab. emset , tab. eltroxin 50 mcg ,
tab. tranexamic acid 500mg , tab. aspirin