Banking And Mutual Funds And Leasings
TRN : 34026640
06 Mar, 2025
Tender for supply of access total t3 , access total t4 , access htsh 3rd is ,
access free t3 , access free t4 , access tpo ab , access
fsh , access lh , access prolactin , access amh , access
cea , access gi monitor , access ov monitor , access 25 oh
d -selected ">vitamin d , access d -selected ">vitamin b12 , access folate , access
ferritin , access psa , access procalcitonin , access afp ,
access ipth , access bnp , access substrate , access wash
buffer , access reaction vessels , access total t3 calibrator
, access total t4 calibrator , access free t3 calibrator ,
access tpo ab calibrator , access cea calibrator , access
ov monitor calibrator , access gi monitor calibrator , access
total beta hcg calibrator , access psa calibrator , access
d -selected ">vitamin b12 calibrator , access folate calibrator , access 25
oh d -selected ">vitamin d calibrator , access procalcitonin calibrator ,
access bnp calibrators , access bnp qc , access amh qc ,
access cortisol , access ca 15 3 antigen brmonitor
Security Services
TRN : 34032453
07 Mar, 2025
Health Services/Equipments
TRN : 34016667
06 Mar, 2025
Health Services/Equipments
TRN : 34019899
06 Mar, 2025
Tender for supply of cap. amantid ine , cap.mutid -selected ">vitamin multi minaral ,
cap.gynec cvp , cap.d onepezil , cap.d oxepine ,
cap.fe.ascorbate , cap.fluoxetine 10mg , cap.fluoxetine
20mg , cap.isotretinoin 10 mg , cap.itraconazole 100mg ,
cap.nifed epine 5mg sl , cap.oseltamivir 75mg ,
cap.pancreatin minimicrospheres 25000iu , cap.pregabalin
capsule ip 75mg , cap.progesterone 200mg ,
cap.racecad otril 100mg , cap.d -selected ">vitamin a 25000iu ,
cap.d -selected ">vitamin e 400mg , cream beclomethasone clotrimazole
20 gm , cream beclomethasone fusid ic acid 10gm , cream
benzyl peroxid e 20gm , cream betamethasone
d ipropionate 20gm , cream clobetasole salicylic acid 15gm
, cream framycetin skin 30gm , cream fucid ic acid 15gm ,
cream glycolic acid 30gm , cream hyd roquionone tretinoin
mometasone 15gm. , cream mometasone 15gm , cream
permethrine 30gm , cream silver sulphad iaze chlorhexid ine
gluconate 240gm , cream tacrolimus 10gm , cream
terbinafin 10gm , cream tretinoin , cream vt care , cream
white soft liquid parafine , d rop.carboxymethylcellulose
eye d rop 10ml , d rop.ciprofloxacin d examethasone 10ml
eye ear d rop , d rop.ciprofloxacin ip 0.3 eye ear d rop 10ml ,
d rop.clotrimozole lignocaine hcl ip ear d rop 10ml ,
d rop.flurbiprofen sod ium eye d rops 5ml ,
d rop.homatropine hyd robromid e 5ml , d rop.moxifloxacin
eye d rop 5ml , d rop.moxifloxacin d examethasone 5ml eye
d rops , d rop.sod ium chlorid e nasal d rop 10ml ,
d rop.paracetamol 100 15ml with d ropper in monocarton ,
d rop.parad ichlorobenzene benzocaine chlorbutol
terpentine oil ear d rop 10ml , d rop.phenylephrine hcl
naphazoline hcl menthol camphor chlorpheniramine
maleate 10ml d rops eye d rop , d rop.pred nisolone acetate eye d rop 5ml , d rop.proparacaine hyd rochlorid e 5ml eye
d rop , d rop.timolol maleate 5ml eye d rops ,
d rop.tobramycin d examethasone eye ear d rop ,
d rop.tobramycin usp eye ear d rop 5ml , d rop.tropicamid e
plus eye d rops 5ml , d rop.multid -selected ">vitamins for infants babies
15ml with d ropper in monocarton , d rop.d -selected ">vitamin d 3 oral
400iu 1ml ip 15ml with d ropper in monocarton ,
d rop.xylometazoline nasal d rop10 ml paed iatric ,
d rop.xylomethazoline nasal d rop 10 ml ad ult , d rop.zinc
20mg 15ml , d rops.chlorphenarmine1mg
phenylpropalomine hcl 6.25 mg paracetamol 125 d rops mg
bottle of 15 ml , d rops.d icyclomine d imethicone paed susp.
bot of 10 ml. , enema sod ium acid phosphate 10gm sod ium
phosphate 8gm 100ml , gel ad apalene 15gm , gel
d inoprostone 0.5mg 3gm , gel choline salicylate
lignocaine 10 gm , gel clind amycin nicotinamid e 15 gm ,
gel clotrimazole mouth paint 15ml , gel triamcinolone
acetonid e oral gel 10gm , i.v. sterile opthalmic irrigation
solution , inj.2 pyrid ine ald oxime methiod id e 25mg ml 20ml
, inj.acetylcysteine 200mg , inj.acyclovir 500mg ,
inj.ad enosine 6mg 1ml , inj.ad renaline 1ml i.v , inj.alpha
beta artether 75mg ml 2ml , inj.aminophylline 10ml ,
inj.aminoven 100ml , inj.amiod arone , inj.amoxycillin
500mg clavulanic acid 100mg , inj.anti rho d 150mg
immunoglobulin , inj.anti rho d 300mg immunoglobulin ,
inj.anti snake venom , inj.artesunate 120mg ,
inj.artesunate 60mg , inj.atracurium 25mg 2.5ml ,
inj.atropin sulphate 0.6mg 1ml , inj.atropine sulphate 0.6
mg 10ml , inj.betamethasone 4 mg amp of 1 ml , inj.bovine
lipid extract surfactant suspn 5ml , inj.bupivacaine 0.5
20ml vial , inj.bupivacaine hcl 5mg d extrose 80mg 4ml amp
, inj.butorphanol tartrate1mg , inj.caffene citrate 20mg ,
inj.calcium gluconate 10ml , inj.carboprost 250 mg ml ,
inj.cefoperazone 1gm sulbactum 500mg , inj.chloroquine
40 mg ml 30ml , inj.ciprofloxacin 200mg 100ml ,
inj.citicoline 250mg 2ml , inj.clind amycin 300mg 2ml ,
inj.clonid ine 150mcg ml , inj.colistimethate sod ium 2 miu ,
inj.d examethasone 4mg ml 10ml , inj.d exmed etomid ine
hcl 100mcg , inj.d extrose 10 500 ml , inj.d extrose 25
100ml , inj.d extrose 500 ml , inj.d extrose normal saline
500ml , inj.d iatrizoate meglumine and d iatrizoate sod ium
76 20ml , inj.d iazepam 2 ml , inj.d iclofenac i.v.1ml aq ,
inj.d igoxin 0.5 mg 2ml , inj.d iltiazam 25 mg 5 ml ,
inj.d obutamine 5 ml , inj.d opamine plus 5 ml ,
inj.d rotaverine 40mg 2ml , inj.enoxaparin 0.2 mcg ,
inj.enoxaparin 0.4 mcg , inj.enoxaparin 0.6 mcg ,
inj.ephed rine 30mg ml , inj.equine antirabies ig 300 iul ,
inj.ethamsylate 125mg , inj.etophylline 169.4mg
theophylline 50.6mg , inj.fentanyl 50mc 10ml , inj.ferric
carboxymaltose 500mg , inj.folic acid 15mg
cyamocovalamin 500mcg nicotinamid e 200mg benzyl
alcohol 2.5 phenol 0.5 10 ml , inj.gentamycin 10ml ,
inj.glyceryl trinitrate 25mg , inj.glycopyrolate 0.2 mg ,
inj.glycopyrrloate 0.5mg neostigmine methyl sulphate
2.5mg , inj.haemaccel bottle of 500ml , inj.haemocoagulase
1 ml , inj.haloperid ol 1ml , inj.heparin sod ium 25000 iu ,
inj.heparin sod ium 5000 iu , inj.hepatites b immunoglobin
100 i.u. , inj.hepatites b multi d ose 10ml , inj.human
albumin 20 100ml , inj.human chorionic gonad otropin 5000
i.u , inj.hyaluronid ase 1500 i.u. , inj.hyd rocortisone sod ium
2ml 100 mg with sterile water for inj.ection for d ilution ,
inj.hyd roxyethyl starch 6 500ml , inj.hyd roxyprogesterone
500 mg vial of 2 ml , inj.hyd roxypropyl methylcellulose
opthalmic soln 2 ml 20 mg prefilled syringe , inj.hyoscine butyl bromid e 2ml , inj.insulin glargine 100unit , inj.insulin
human actrapid 10ml i.u , inj.insulin human mixtard 30 70
10ml i.u. , inj.intrvenous immunoglobulin ivig , inj.iron
sucrose i.v , inj.isolyte m , inj.isolyte p , inj.isoxsuprine 5mg
, inj.ketamine 50mg , inj.labetalol 100mg 20ml ,
inj.levetiracetam 100mg , inj.levofloxacin 100ml ,
inj.lid ocaine 4 topical solution 30ml lignocaine hcl 42.7mg
methylparaben 1.0mg , inj.lignocaine 2 30ml lignocaine
hcl 21.3mg sod ium chlorid e 6.0mg methylparaben 1.0mg ,
inj.lignocaine 2 with ad renaline 30ml , inj.lignocaine hcl
21.3mg nacl 6.0mg 2 50ml , inj.lignocaine heavy 5 2ml ,
inj.linezolid 300m
Security Services
TRN : 34005887
06 Mar, 2025
Security Services
TRN : 34005959
06 Mar, 2025
Panchayat Division
TRN : 34009219
06 Mar, 2025
Tender Value :
4.99 Crore
Tender for supply of absorbent cotton wool 100 gm , alcohol or spirit swab ,
amikacin inj 500 mg 2 ml amp or vial , amlod epin tab 5mg ,
d ry syrup amoxycillin 200 mg with clavulanic acid 28 5 mg
per 5m 60 ml bottle , amoxycillin with clavulanic acid tab ,
cap amoxycillin 250 mg , cap amoxycillin 500 mg , anti
rabies vaccine im human tissue culture 1 ml , antisnake
venom serum strerile powd er with strerile water lyophilized
sterile solution 10 ml , ascorbic acid d -selected ">vitamin c 500mg , tab
atenelol 50mg , tab azithromycin 250 mg , tab
azithromycin 500 mg , benzyl benzoate lotion , cefotaxime
inj , tab cetrizine hyd rochlorid e 10mg , syrup cetrizine 5mg
per 5 ml , chromic catgut with need le , ciprofloxacin eye
and or ear d rop , inj ciprofloxacin 100 ml iv , tab
ciprofloxacin 250 mg , clotrimazole cream 15 gm tube ,
syrup trimethoprim40 mg with sulphamethoxazole 200 mg
50 ml bottle , tab trimethoprim with sulphamethoxazole d s
, tab trimethoprim with sulphamethoxazole ss , cough
expectorant , inj cyanocobalamine , inj d examethasone , iv
d extrose d 5 500ml , d extrose with normal saline inj iv 500
ml , inj d iazepam 5 mg per ml , tab d iazepam 5mg ,
d iclofenac gel , inj d iclofenac sod ium , tab d iclofenac
sod ium 50mg , tab d icyclomine hyd rochlorid e 10mg ,
d isposable need le no 23 , d isposable non traumatic razer
, d isposable scalp vein set no 23 , d isposable syringe
sterile with need le 1 inch 2 ml , tab d omperid one 10mg
mouth d issolving , tab fluconazole 150mg , tab folic acid
5mg , tab furazolid one 100mg , inj gentamicin 40mg per
ml 2 ml amp or vial , tab glimiperid e 2mg , gluterald ehyd e
solution with activator , iv sets with hypod ermic need le 21
g of 1 point 5 inch length , tab ibuprofen 400mg , inj
d -selected ">vitamin k water soluble 1 ml , inj iron sucrose ferric
hyd roxid e complex with sucrose equivalent to elemental
irons , makintosh d ouble colour water proof rubber , tab
metformin 500mg , inj metronid azole iv , susp
metronid azole , tab metronid azole 200mg , tab
metronid azole 400 mg , tab ond ansetron 4mg , oral
rehyd ration salt powd er ors , tab pantoprazole 40mg ,
paper ad hesive plaster 1 inch by 5 meter , tab paracetamol
500mg , inj pentazocine ip , inj pheniramine maleate 22
point 75 mg per ml , povid one iod ine ointment 15 mg tube ,
inj ranitid ine 25 mg per ml , inj ringer lactate iv 500 ml
bottle , rolled cotton band age as per sched ule f ii 7point5
cm by 4mtr , silver sulphad iazine cream , inj sod ium
chlorid e normal saline 0 point 9 percent iv 100 ml bottle ,
inj sod ium chlorid e normal saline 0 point 9 percent iv 500
ml bottle , surgical blad e 22 no , surgical rubber gloves 6
point 5 no , surgical rubber gloves 7 no , syrup
furazolid one 25 mg per 5 ml 60 ml bottle , tab
chlorthalid one 6 point 25mg , tab telmisartan 40mg , tab
trimethoprim 20 mg with sulphamethoxazole100 mg
paed iatric , tab d -selected ">vitamin b complex nfi , water for
injection 5ml
Enviromental/Forest Division
TRN : 34011550
04 Mar, 2025
Security Services
TRN : 34012712
04 Mar, 2025
Security Services
TRN : 33981592
10 Mar, 2025