You have searched for delhi-metro-rail-corporation-limited in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

101 Maintenance Contract for Civil Works..
TRN : 746831 |  New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value : 2.45 Crore | Agency Name : Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Limited
Tender award for maintenance contract for civil works..
102 Design, Development and Maintenance of Centralized Management System for Construction Workers engaged by DMRC contractors of Project Phase-IV.
103 Comprehensive Annual Maintenance of LG make VRV system installed at 06 stations i.e. Shahdra, Seelampur, Shastri Park, Kashmiri Gate, Rithala & Tishazari Metro station.
104 Comprehensive Annual Maintenance and Operation of centrallazed screw chillier (2x150TR) AC Plant and its equipments installed at DO building and Training academy at Shastri Park Depot.
105 Comprehensive Annual Maintenance contract of 03 no. Trane make chillers of 350 TR capacity and CAMC of CPM installed at Metro Bhawan for 05 years
106 Comprehensive operation and maintenance of STP of capacity 10 KLD of Line-7
TRN : 748532 |  New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value : 1.18 Crore | Agency Name : Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Limited
Tender award for comprehensive operation and maintenance of stp of capacity 10 kld of line-7
107 Repairing/Renovation of station parking area in Line-3(NCC-NWD) and Line-4 section.
TRN : 743462 |  New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value : 2.67 Crore | Agency Name : Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Limited
Tender award for repairing/renovation of station parking area in line-3(ncc-nwd) and line-4 section.
108 Engagement of Detail Design Consultant (DDC) for Civil, Architectural and Building Services including E and M works for Danapur to Mithapur (UG and Elevated) Corridor-I of Phase-I of Patna MRTS project
109 PD area at Out side Tilak Nagar Metro Station
TRN : 741154 |  New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value : 24.94 Lacs | Agency Name : Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Limited
Tender award for pd area at out side tilak nagar metro station
110 Customized Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract, refurbishment and modification of 30 nos. of Kone make Escalators installed at phase-I, (underground stations) for 3 Years

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