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131 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of electrical aluminium cables for viaduct lighting, removal of existing copper cables of viaduct essential & UPS lighting circuit and power socket circuit including removal of lights, power sockets & associated accessories at viaduct of Airport Express Line.
132 USFD testing of Rail..
TRN : 731909 |  New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value : 21.05 Lacs | Agency Name : Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Limited
Tender award for usfd testing of rail..
133 Improvement and renovation of bituminous & concrete surface of Parking and circulating area from Udyog Bhawan Metro Station to Huda City Centre Station of Line-2.
134 Modification / Shifting of 11KV and LT Electrical Utilities of BRPL and Dismantling / Relocation of High Mast and street Lights infringing SAKET - SANGAM VIHAR Section of TUGLAKABAD AEROCITY Corridor of MRTS Phase-IV
135 supply installation testing and commissioning and shifting/modification, of electrical utilities 11KV ,Transformer, RMU, LT line etc. to clear the electrical infringement from section Existing Maujpur metro viaduct to Yamuna bank of the Majlish park to Maujpur
136 supply installation testing and commissioning and shifting/modification, of street lighting pole and high mast to clear the electrical infringement from section existing Majlis park to Yamuna bank of the Majlis park to Maujpur section of Delhi MRTS corridor Phase IV.
137 supply installation testing and commissioning and shifting/modification, of street lighting pole and high mast to clear the electrical infringement from section existing Maujpur metro viaduct to Yamuna bank of the Majlis park to Maujpur section of MRTS corridor Phase IV
138 Supply, installation, shifting/modification, testing and commissioning of 11 kV and LT feeders of TPDDL out of permanent boundary wall of Badli Depot
139 Supply, installation, shifting/modification, testing and commissioning of 11 kV and LT feeders of TPDDL out of permanent boundary wall of Badli Depot
140 Structural Repair work..
TRN : 728099 |  New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value : 95.19 Lacs | Agency Name : Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Limited
Tender award for structural repair work..

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