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511 Tender for labour rate for unloading scrap material of sugarcane from truck / trolley at donga in one shift during the crushing season 2019-20
512 Improvement of existing sodium lighting installations with LED lights in OGM at Bhuna
TRN : 700718 |  Hisar - Haryana
Contract Value : 9.79 Lacs | Agency Name : Haryana Board Corporation
Tender award for improvement of existing sodium lighting installations with led lights in ogm at bhuna
513 Annual maintenance of HSVP Staff Quarters in Sector – 15, U/E, Sonipat. Repair of staff quarter plastering, painting, white washing distemper, repair of wood work, etc. and all other works contingent thereto" (HSVP Officer Residence Colony, Sector – 15, Sonipat)
514 Sweeping of roads, collection of the garbage on sweeping, loading thereof in the trolley, transportation to the designated disposal site of Municipal Corporation Ambala including all leading and lifts, providing tractor trolley including its POL/Maintenance with driver, supply of all required sweeping tools and plants i.e. long/short brooms, kassi, basket and all other required materials complete in all respects in Sec-I, 2 and 3 at Industrial Growth Centre, Saha.
515 Design , Design , Construction , Supply , Erection , Testing and Commissioning of RCC NP4 sewerlineupto MPS, RCC Retaining Wall, Boundary wall and 33.75 MLD Main Pumping Station (MPS) & 15 MLD Capacity Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) Phase I & based on Sequential Batch Reactor (SBR) Technology and followed by 15 MLD tertiary treatment for 100% flow for Part-IV, Part-V for Sector 58 to 64 of Urban Estate, Transformers, DG Set, Staff Quarters all other works contingent thereto including Design, Construction of Civil Works, Supply of Mechanical, Electrical & Instrumentation Works, including Operation and Maintenance for 72 months including defect liability period of 12 months after stabilization period of 90 days on turnkey basis complete in all respects at Village – Aterna Sector 60, Sonipat, Haryana.
516 Annual maintenance of Public Health Services in Sector - 23, U/E, Sonipat & Sector - 7, U/E, Gohana. Hiring of Beldar/ Sewerman, Petrolman Fitter, Fitter Collies Operator, Chowkidar, Mali etc. for smooth running of Water Supply, Sewerage lines and watch & ward of Sewerage & SWD Disposal alongwith various type of machineries installed at tubewells through contractual agency and all other works contingent thereto" ( From 01.12.2019 to 31.03.2020)
517 Annual maintenance of Public Health Services in Sector - 14 & 15, U/E, Sonipat. Hiring of Beldar/ Sewerman Petrolman Fitter, Fitter Collies Operator, Chowkidar, Mali etc. for smooth running of Water Supply, Sewerage lines alongwith various type of machineries installed at tubewells through contractual agency and all other works contingent thereto" ( From 01.12.2019 to 31.03.2020)
518 Annual maintenance of Public Health services in Sector - 7, 12 & 13, U/E, Sonipat. Hiring of Beldar/ Sewerman, Petrolman Fitter, Fitter Collies Operator, Chowkidar, Mali, for smooth running of Water Supply, Sewerage lines and watch & ward of Community Centre Building alongwith various type of machineries installed at tubewells through contractual agency and all other works contingent thereto ( From 01.12.2019 to 31.03.2020)
519 Mtc. of Plantation
TRN : 791961 |  Ambala - Haryana
Contract Value : 102 | Agency Name : Haryana Board Corporation
Tender award for mtc. of plantation
520 Mtc. of Plantation
TRN : 791962 |  Ambala - Haryana
Contract Value : 102 | Agency Name : Haryana Board Corporation
Tender award for mtc. of plantation

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