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571 Annual maintenance of Master Sewerage & Disposal, U/E, Sonipat. Cleaning of 48" dia main sewerage line with power bucket type machine towards Sector -15 & 12, U/E, Sonipat complete in all respect and all other works contingent thereto
572 Annual maintenance of Master Sewerage & Disposal, U/E, Sonipat. Cleaning of 36" dia main sewerage line with power bucket type machine along master road between Sector -14/15, U/E, Sonipat complete in all respect and all other works contingent thereto".
573 Annual maintenance of Sewerage in Sector -23, U/E, Sonipat. Cleaning of 16" dia choked sewer line with power bucket type machine complete in all respect and all other works contingent thereto
574 Annual maintenance of sewerage scheme in Sector - 15, U/E, Sonepat. Cleaning of 8" dia main sewerage line with power bucket type machine complete in all respect and all other works contingent thereto

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