You have searched for kanpur-electricity-supply-co-limited in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

11 Shifting of 400 KVA T/F and converting existing 11 KV O.H. Line from Overhead to U/G HBTU Feeder from 33/11 KV, Vikas Nagar S/S to West Campus of HBTU in view of visit of Honble President of India under Vikas Nagar Division, Kesco, Kanpur.
12 Laying of 33 kV XLPE Cable at 132 kV Krishna Nagar Transmission S/S for energizing 33 kV PAC and 33 kV Sujaatganj under E.U.D.D. Daheli Sujaanpur from Independent Bays
13 Construction of RCC Cable trench along with trench cover at newly constructed 33/11 KV Sub-Station E-Block, Gujaini under EUDD- Govind Nagar, Kesco., Kanpur

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