1007Plan fund-QWSS-Replacing of old and damaged 100 mm /150 mm AC pipe line from Mundackal Thumpara Temple to Amruthakulam and from Mundackal Penthacostal church to Polayathodu Railway Gate in Mundakkal Division,Kollam corporation
Kollam - Kerala
Contract Value :
12.52 Lacs |Agency Name :
Kerala Water Authority
1009Pland fund-QWSS-Replacing old and damaged 80 mm/100 mm AC pipe line with 110 mm PVC pipe line from Desinganadu scanning center to kuravanpalam and from surabhi junction to RMO pump house in Vadakkumbhagam Division ,in kollam corporation
Kollam - Kerala
Contract Value :
7.93 Lacs |Agency Name :
Kerala Water Authority