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981 STATE PLAN 2018-19
TRN : 654725 |  Kozhikode - Kerala
Contract Value : 12.83 Lacs | Agency Name : Kerala Water Authority
Tender award for state plan 2018-19
982 State Plan 2018-19 - Optimization production and transmission - Renovation of WTP - Providing chamber for collecting back wash water from the filter and reusing at WTP Swargam kunnu
983 Annual Maintenance
TRN : 653633 |  Cochin - Kerala
Contract Value : 2.91 Lacs | Agency Name : Kerala Water Authority
Tender award for annual maintenance
984 Annual Maintenance of WSDS in Kadamakudy Panchayath for the year 2017-18
TRN : 653908 |  Cochin - Kerala
Contract Value : 2.91 Lacs | Agency Name : Kerala Water Authority
Tender award for annual maintenance of wsds in kadamakudy panchayath for the year 2017-18
985 Optimization of Production and Transmission- CARWSS to Elappara and adjoining Villages- Package III - Providing distribution system in Lakshmi Kovil- Pambanar Zone and Lakshmi Kovil- Rani Kovil Zone in Peermade Panchayat
986 KDP 2018-19 (Konni Block Panchayath) - RWSS to Vallikkodu - Extension of pipe line to various places (Kaipattoor Junction to Pandalam road - branch lines)
987 MPLADS 2017-18 - Sri. Suresh Gopi, Honourable MP (RS) - RWSS to Kulanada - Laying pipe line providing drinking water in Kadalikunnu SC colony in ward No. 5, Kulanada Grama Panchayath (SC)
988 KDP 2018-19 (Malayalappuzha Grama Panchayath) - Extension of pipe line from Panchikkal - Meenmoottikkal road in ward No. 1 of Malayalappuzha Panchayath
989 KDP 2017-18 (Vallicodu Grama Panchayath) - Extension of pipe line from Anjilimoottilpadi to Valavil colony in ward 1 of Vallicodu Panchayath
990 KDP (Enadimangalam GP) - WSS to Adoor and adj. panchayats (2017-18) Enadimangalam Panchayat -Extension of pipeline from Chayalodu Michabhoomi colony road in ward XV in Enadimangalam Panchayath

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