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1551 Mace of RWSS to Mangattidam Kandamkunnu Zone II Providing Temporary bund across Meruvambayi River
TRN : 580824 |  Kozhikode - Kerala
Contract Value : 1.43 Lacs | Agency Name : Kerala Water Authority
Tender award for mace of rwss to mangattidam kandamkunnu zone ii providing temporary bund across meruvambayi river
1552 STATE PLAN 2018-19
TRN : 586290 |  Kozhikode - Kerala
Contract Value : 4.20 Crore | Agency Name : Kerala Water Authority
Tender award for state plan 2018-19
1553 Annual maintenance of various size of pipe lines for CWSS to Perumbavoor Municipality area for the year 201819
TRN : 580825 |  Aluva - Kerala
Contract Value : 8.94 Lacs | Agency Name : Kerala Water Authority
Tender award for annual maintenance of various size of pipe lines for cwss to perumbavoor municipality area for the year 201819
1554 State Plan RWSS to Nooranad Edapon towards Para
TRN : 587542 |  Cochin - Kerala
Contract Value : 72.99 Lacs | Agency Name : Kerala Water Authority
Tender award for state plan rwss to nooranad edapon towards para
1555 Annual maintenance of various size of pipe lines for RWSS to Koovapady Panchayath area for the year 201819
TRN : 586287 |  Cochin - Kerala
Contract Value : 6.67 Lacs | Agency Name : Kerala Water Authority
Tender award for annual maintenance of various size of pipe lines for rwss to koovapady panchayath area for the year 201819
1556 Hiring diesel jeep with driver for the use of Ele. Section, Rajakumary for a period of one year
TRN : 579258 |  Thodupuzha - Kerala
Contract Value : 6.23 Lacs | Agency Name : Kerala Water Authority
Tender award for hiring diesel jeep with driver for the use of ele. section, rajakumary for a period of one year
1557 19-Replacement of pipesAUWSS to Chevoor Marathakkara.Replacing damaged 300 mm,250 mm AC gravity main and laying with350mm/250mm DI K9 pipe from Poochinnipadam to Chevoor Junction in Cherpu Gramapanchayath.
1558 Rural Water Supply Scheme Sasthamcotta -Extension of pipe line from Bharanikavu Tube Well site to Ward IX and XIX and Supply and errection of pump set in Sasthamcotta Grama Panchayat
1559 State plan 2018_19 _ Optimisation of production _ transmission_ Energy conservation RWSS to Medical college Cheroor Supply erection and commissioning of 80 HP centrifugal motor pumpset at Cheroor pumphouse for Medical college.
1560 Deposit work of Karavaram grama panchayath- 2018-19 Annual plan- Pipe line extension to Karavaram -Kattuvila - Aikkara road in Karavaram Grama Panchayath

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