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1571 Deposit work- District panchayath-
TRN : 583263 |  Cochin - Kerala
Contract Value : 1.39 Lacs | Agency Name : Kerala Water Authority
Tender award for deposit work- district panchayath-
1572 Deposit work of Tvpm Corporation - Project No. 963/18 - Improving water supply towards highly elevated areas of Kattela and extension of pipeline towards Kattela Good Shepherd School - Uppachi Road in Cheruvaikkal Ward
1573 Deposit work of Dental College - Providing new water connection to Dental Lab building at Pulayanarkotta from sump of Chest Hospital
1574 Deposit work of Tvpm Corporation - Project No. 911/18 - Laying 110 mm PVC pipe at Aliyil-Panayilkada Road and Aliyil - Kunnumpuram Raod under Njandoorkonam Ward
1575 Deposit work of Tvpm Corporation - Project No. 963/18 - Improving water supply towards highly elevated areas of Kattela and extension of pipeline towards Kattela Good Shepherd School - Uppachi Road in Cheruvaikkal Ward
1576 Deposit work of Tvpm Corporation - Extending existing 110 mm CSME line to improve water supply along both sides of Punnen Road
TRN : 581850 |  Thiruvananthapuram - Kerala
Contract Value : 1.35 Lacs | Agency Name : Kerala Water Authority
Tender award for deposit work of tvpm corporation - extending existing 110 mm csme line to improve water supply along both sides of punnen road
1577 Deposit work of Tvpm Corporation - Project No. 911/18 - Laying 110 mm PVC pipe at Aliyil-Panayilkada Road and Aliyil - Kunnumpuram Raod under Njandoorkonam Ward
1578 Deposit work of Tvpm Corporation - Project No. 911/18 - Pipe line extension to in Sreevilas lane G Lane at Kuravankonam Ward
TRN : 581851 |  Thiruvananthapuram - Kerala
Contract Value : 2.92 Lacs | Agency Name : Kerala Water Authority
Tender award for deposit work of tvpm corporation - project no. 911/18 - pipe line extension to in sreevilas lane g lane at kuravankonam ward
1579 Deposit work of Tvpm Corporation - Extending existing 110 mm CSME line to improve water supply along both sides of Punnen Road
1580 Deposit work of Tvpm Corporation - Project No. 161/19 - Laying higher sized pipe along LIC Lane to TKD Road near Jayamatha Work Shop in Kesavadasapuram Ward

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