You have searched for kerala-water-authority in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

211 JJM 2020 21 Manimala Grama Panchayat Kottayam District Laying pipelines Providing and FHTC
TRN : 785033 |  Kottayam - Kerala
Contract Value : 5.80 Crore | Agency Name : Kerala Water Authority
Tender award for jjm 2020 21 manimala grama panchayat kottayam district laying pipelines providing and fhtc
212 Jal Jeevan Mission _2020_21_Phase i_Providing Functional Household Tap Connections in Desamangalam Panchayath in Thrissur dt
213 Jal Jeevan Mission_2020-21-Phase i_Providing Functional Household Tap Connections in Kondazhy Panchayath in Thrissur dt
214 Deposit Work MCH - TSS - 2019-2020 - Supply Erection testing and commissioning of pumps and motors at Pulayanarcotta Pump house
TRN : 784369 |  Thiruvananthapuram - Kerala
Contract Value : 6.94 Lacs | Agency Name : Kerala Water Authority
Tender award for deposit work mch - tss - 2019-2020 - supply erection testing and commissioning of pumps and motors at pulayanarcotta pump house
215 Jal Jeevan Mission _2020_21_Phase i_Providing Functional Household Tap Connections in Desamangalam Panchayath in Thrissur dt
216 Deposit Work MCH - TSS - 2019-2020 - Supply Erection testing and commissioning of pumps and motors at Pulayanarcotta Pump house
217 State Plan 2020-2021-(Optimization of Production and Transmission)- Supply and erection of 250 HP VT pump set at New Raw water Pump house in Sasthamcotta
218 State Plan 2020-2021-(Optimization of Production and Transmission)- Supply and erection of 250 HP VT pump set at New Raw water Pump house in Sasthamcotta
219 State Plan 2020-21-Water supply to Mynagappally Constructing 15.20LL capacity OHSR at public market and supply and laying 300mm DI K9 pumping main from chainage 1640.00m at public market OHSR in Myanagappally
220 12/2020-21
TRN : 853396 |  Trivandrum - Kerala
Contract Value : 11.37 Lacs | Agency Name : Kerala Water Authority
Tender award for 12/2020-21

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