You have searched for kerala-water-authority in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

221 Mace of RWSS to Kallikkadu - Rectification of leakages of various pipe lines and allied works for one year-RC for 2020-21 and allied works.
222 District panchayath deposit work -Pipe line Extension to Koonthanithodi colony and adjacent area in ward no-6 Nellaya Panchayath
223 District panchayath deposit work -Pipe line Extension to Koonthanithodi colony and adjacent area in ward no:6 Nellaya Panchayath.
224 State Plan 2019-20-RWSS to Vaniyamkulam in Vaniyamkulam Grama Pt- Supply, erection , testing and commissioning of 45HP centrifugal motor pump set including all accessories- 2 Nos
225 State Plan 2019-20-RWSS to Vaniyamkulam in Vaniyamkulam Grama Pt- Supply, erection , testing and commissioning of 45HP centrifugal motor pump set including all accessories- 2 Nos
226 Annual Maintenance of Nellaya-Kulukkallur Various places for various size of pipes leak rectification at Nellaya Grama Panchayath.
227 Annual Maintenance of Nellaya-Kulukkallur Various places for various size of pipes leak rectification at Nellaya Grama Panchayath.
228 LAC ADS (2017-18)
TRN : 853405 |  Kozhikode - Kerala
Contract Value : 26.65 Lacs | Agency Name : Kerala Water Authority
Tender award for lac ads (2017-18)
229 LAC ADS (2017-18) - Tripunithura Constituency - Augmentation of Kochi WSS- Improvements of WSS in Division no.13, 14,15 & 16 of Edakochi area in Kochi Corporation - Construction of Pump House and allied works at Pambaimoola.Part1-Construction of pump house (Civil works)
230 MPLADS-2018-19
TRN : 853406 |  Kozhikode - Kerala
Contract Value : 5.07 Lacs | Agency Name : Kerala Water Authority
Tender award for mplads-2018-19

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