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251 NABARD RIDF-XXII and ndash; WSS to Pattuvam and adjoining villages (JICA aided) – Balance distribution network Phase I – Balance Fund - Laying Distribution line from Mattool Junction towards Juma Masjid Mattool along Mattool, North - South PWD Road in Mattool Grama Panchayath.
252 Deposit Work 2019-20 - Pattambi Block Panchayath - Pipeline extension in Natyamangalam Paramelpadi - Padinjarethil road (Ward-1) at Kulukkallur Grama Panchayath
253 Deposit Work - 2019-20 - Muthuthala Grama Panchayath - Dismantling of street taps
TRN : 848493 |  Palakkad - Kerala
Contract Value : 1.02 Lacs | Agency Name : Kerala Water Authority
Tender award for deposit work - 2019-20 - muthuthala grama panchayath - dismantling of street taps
254 WSS Aralummoodu - Maintenance of TWSS to Nemom Portion - Rectification of leakages in various pipe lines and allied works - one year RC for 2020-21
255 Deposit Work-WSS to Keezhuparamba Gramapanchayath in Malappuram District --Conducting Topographical Survey with DGPS and Total Station.
256 Maintenance of RWSS toDhanuvachapuram and Parasuvaikal zone of RWSS To Parassala Rectification of leakages in various pipe lines and allied works one year RC for 2020-21
257 Deposit work-Ramanattukara Municipality- Pipe line extension to various SC colonies in Ramanattukara Municipality
TRN : 848434 |  Malappuram - Kerala
Contract Value : 8.81 Lacs | Agency Name : Kerala Water Authority
Tender award for deposit work-ramanattukara municipality- pipe line extension to various sc colonies in ramanattukara municipality
258 Deposit Work - (Adoor Municipality Planning section- 2019-20) - UWSS to Adoor and Adj.Panchayaths - Extension of pipe line at various places ward 10 in Adoor Municipality
259 KDP 2018-19- RWSS to Bangalam- Construction of well cum pumphouse, OH tank, laying pumping main and distribution- Providing Water Supply to Bengalam and near by location from Rwss to Madikai
260 Deposit work of Pallikara Panchayath- Providing Water Supply to Pakkam area from WSS to BRDC.
TRN : 846903 |  Kasargode - Kerala
Contract Value : 8.62 Lacs | Agency Name : Kerala Water Authority
Tender award for deposit work of pallikara panchayath- providing water supply to pakkam area from wss to brdc.

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