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351 DRW-2019 -ARWSS to Amarambalam- Desilting of Intake well and Baby well at Kalathinkadavu.
TRN : 833382 |  Malappuram - Kerala
Contract Value : 3.07 Lacs | Agency Name : Kerala Water Authority
Tender award for drw-2019 -arwss to amarambalam- desilting of intake well and baby well at kalathinkadavu.
352 Budget-2017-18- KIIFB Project- TRAN 10: WRD 025-13 WSS to Ramanchadi-Aligarh in Malappuram District-Package I
TRN : 834434 |  Malappuram - Kerala
Contract Value : 34.34 Crore | Agency Name : Kerala Water Authority
Tender award for budget-2017-18- kiifb project- tran 10: wrd 025-13 wss to ramanchadi-aligarh in malappuram district-package i
353 DRW-2019 - UWSS to Nilambur- De silting of Intake well and Baby well at Kalathinkadavu.
TRN : 833383 |  Nilambur - Kerala
Contract Value : 1.84 Lacs | Agency Name : Kerala Water Authority
Tender award for drw-2019 - uwss to nilambur- de silting of intake well and baby well at kalathinkadavu.
354 Budget 2017-18 KIIFB: Manjeri Subarban Drinking Water Project: Improvements and Augmentation of UWSS to Manjeri Municippality including Water supply arrangements to Payyanadu and Thadaparambu Area in Manjeri Municipality of Malappuram District.
355 MPLAD - 2018-19 - Work proposed by Honble MP (RS)- Sri. Ragesh -Mini Water Supply Scheme to Kalikandam SC Colony in Ward No. 15 of Pulpetta Panchayath
356 WSS To Padinharathara in Wayanad district - Replacing Damaged Distribution system in various places of Padinharathara and Kuppadithara areas.
357 KIIFB - Special investment Package –WRD 002-05- CWSS to Ponnani Municipality and adjoining Villages –Package I- Design, Construction Commissioning maintanance of 12 m Dia RCC Well cum pump house and allied works; Supplying, Laying testing and Commissioning (1016 mm OD, 10 mm thick) MS Raw water pumping main; Design, Construction & commissioning of 50 MLD (2200 m3/ Hr) WTP, 2200 M3 CW Sump and allied works with Data Acquisition and Monitoring; Construction of Retaining wall/compound wall; Design, Construction Commissioning maintanance of Staff Quarters (8 Nos), conference hall, Store Building etc incuding demolition of old structure etc.
358 MWP 2015-16 Replacing 200mm AC pipe from Moulana junction to Ooty road bypass junction in Perinthalmanna Municipality
TRN : 834456 |  Perinthalmanna - Kerala
Contract Value : 23.51 Lacs | Agency Name : Kerala Water Authority
Tender award for mwp 2015-16 replacing 200mm ac pipe from moulana junction to ooty road bypass junction in perinthalmanna municipality
359 KIIFB(Shifting of Utilities) - (PWD Deposit) -ARWSS to Padinharathara and Thariode - Shifting KWA utilities from Chennalode Muslim Palli Junction to Padinharathara town area along Kalpetta Varambettta Road (15.749 Km to 17.725 km)
360 ARWSS to Angadipuram Supply erection charging and commissioning of suitable centrifugal pump set having discharge of 52 lps against a total head of 165m at WTP Cherukara for pumping clear water to Cheerattamala Tank

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