362Budget 2017-18 KIIFB: Manjeri Subarban Drinking Water Project: Improvements and Augmentation of UWSS to Manjeri Municippality including Water supply arrangements to Payyanadu and Thadaparambu Area in Manjeri Municipality of Malappuram District.
Malappuram - Kerala
Contract Value :
26.19 Crore |Agency Name :
Kerala Water Authority
363STATE PLAN 2018 19 Supply erection testing and commissioning of 110 KV additional bay with consumer structure and metering units construction of additional Yard and allied works for the commn of 110 KV substation at H W Aluva including substn bidg
Aluva - Kerala
Contract Value :
64.67 Lacs |Agency Name :
Kerala Water Authority
365KIIFB Project - (TRAN2-WRD005-130)- Replacement of Transmission Mains in Kozhikode Circle - CWSS to Pulpally &Mullankolly Panchayats - Replacing old and damaged 150 mm AC Gravity main from GLSR at Padichira to OHSR at Pulpally - (TRAN2-WRD005-130-PROJECT 10)
Kozhikode - Kerala
Contract Value :
77.68 Lacs |Agency Name :
Kerala Water Authority