You have searched for kerala-water-authority in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

411 KNR-M-SPLAN-2019-20 -OPT-PR-092- WSS to Kolachery
TRN : 824566 |  Kannur - Kerala
Contract Value : 49.10 Lacs | Agency Name : Kerala Water Authority
Tender award for knr-m-splan-2019-20 -opt-pr-092- wss to kolachery
412 Kerala Flood 2018 - ID006-TDP-M-003 - RWSS to Idukki Kanjikuzhy - Alteration and Rehabilitation of water connections damaged during the landslides occurred in vazhathoppue panchayath - Phase 3
413 MLA SDF Extension of pipe line in Kolettambalam Pongavana road in Arpookara panchayath
TRN : 824653 |  Kottayam - Kerala
Contract Value : 10.54 Lacs | Agency Name : Kerala Water Authority
Tender award for mla sdf extension of pipe line in kolettambalam pongavana road in arpookara panchayath
414 State Plan-2019-20, RWSS to Chettikulangara-Relaying 160mm PVC pipe instead of old 150 mm AC pipe line from Chettikulangara to Bhagavathippadi.
415 Deposit Work - Nirmithi Kendra(2018-19)- Providing drinking water facility in Neelammal colony by extension of pipe line from nearby JICA distribution line in Karavaloor pt.
416 Deposit work Punalur Municipality Replacement of old and damaged 150 mm_80 mm AC pipe lines with PVC pipe in Sivankovil Sasthamkonam Roads in Nethaji ward in Punalur Municipality
417 Deposit Work Pavithreswaram panchayath 2019_20 pipe line extension work and providing public tap at ward no 10 at Karikkal to vettumood Bhagom
418 Deposit work Pavithreswaram GP Annual plan 2019_20 Pipe line extension work and providing public tap in ward No 14 From Transformer jn to Mullasseri bhagom
419 Deposit Work Kuthuparamba Municipality 2019 20 Extension of pipe line to Koovacheri from Santhivanam and providing water connection to Panjakkalai Anganwadi
420 SCP Corpus fund 2019_20 Pipeline extension and water supply connection at Thumpodu Kallukunnil SC colony in Yeroor Panchayath

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