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441 WSS to Minority Concenterated Area- MWSS to pandazhi ward 1 to 19 in Purathur panchayath
TRN : 826130 |  Malappuram - Kerala
Contract Value : 15.97 Lacs | Agency Name : Kerala Water Authority
Tender award for wss to minority concenterated area- mwss to pandazhi ward 1 to 19 in purathur panchayath
442 FRW-2019/ Mace - NABARAD aided CWSS to Mananthavady,Edavaka and Nalloornad Villages- Providing protection work to 300mm DI pumping main to Hospitalkunnu OHSR and 300mm DI distribution main from Hospitalkunnu OHSR in Mananthavady Municipality
443 WSS to Minority Concenterated Area-MWSS to Nellissery in Vattamkulam Panchayath.
TRN : 826131 |  Malappuram - Kerala
Contract Value : 16.22 Lacs | Agency Name : Kerala Water Authority
Tender award for wss to minority concenterated area-mwss to nellissery in vattamkulam panchayath.
444 CWSS TO MANANTHAVADY, EDAVAKA and NALLORNADU VILLAGES - Providing Water connection to ASAP Community Skill Park near Mananthavady Govt. College
445 Deposit work - ARWSS to Krishnagiri ,Purakkadi & Ambalavayal villages - Pipe line extension to Karuthankalazh and Valiyakolly colony in Meenangadi GP
446 Annual Mace. 2019-20 - Leak rectification works of pipe line under P. H. Section, Ranni Zone II (RWSS to Angadi)
447 Supply and erection of new VT pumpset having discharge 13.51 lps against a total headof 123m at intake pump house Paduthode.
TRN : 837585 |  Pathaanamthitta - Kerala
Contract Value : 16.29 Lacs | Agency Name : Kerala Water Authority
Tender award for supply and erection of new vt pumpset having discharge 13.51 lps against a total headof 123m at intake pump house paduthode.
448 Annual Mace. 2019-20 - Leak rectification works of pipe line under P. H. Section, Ranni Zone I (RWSS to Ranni Pazhavangadi and Vadasserikara, RWSS to Aythala, RWSS to Madathumpadi and RWSS to Karikulam)
449 Annual Mace. 2019-20 - Leak rectification works of pipe line under P. H. Section, Ranni Zone I (RWSS to Ranni Pazhavangadi and Vadasserikara, RWSS to Aythala, RWSS to Madathumpadi and RWSS to Karikulam)
450 MPLADS 2019-20 - N.K.Premachandran MP(LS) - Extension of pipe line at Kandekkara colony in Naduvilakkara ward of Thrikovilvattam Panchayath

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