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491 State Plan 2019 20 Optimisation Of Production And Transmission Replacement Of Old Pipes In Existing WSS WSS to Chowara Interconnection of scour line of 63 mld Raw water pumping main with Raw water pumping main of 13 5 mld Plant
492 MLALAC - ADF - WSS to Arakuzha and Palakuzha Panchayaths - Partial Commissioning of the Scheme and Urgent Laying of Pipeline Through Arakuzha - Palakuzha Road ( 1800 m ) before tarring of road
493 Deposit work of Thiruvananthapuram Corporation Improving water supply along GPO lane and bylines by laying 160 mm PVC main in Vanchiyoor ward
494 Deposit work of Thiruvananthapuram Corporation- Replacing existing 100mm AC Pipe line with 140 mm Pvc pipe line at Kanaga Nagar
495 Deposit work 2019-20
TRN : 784178 |  Muvattupuzha - Kerala
Contract Value : 1.05 Lacs | Agency Name : Kerala Water Authority
Tender award for deposit work 2019-20
496 Deposit work - RWSS to Arakuzha - Extension of pipe line to Padanaveedu in Ward No. X in Arakuzha Panchayath
TRN : 784179 |  Muvattupuzha - Kerala
Contract Value : 85.6 Thousand | Agency Name : Kerala Water Authority
Tender award for deposit work - rwss to arakuzha - extension of pipe line to padanaveedu in ward no. x in arakuzha panchayath
497 LAC ADS:- ARWSS to Edakkattuvayal - Extending pipe line from Veliyanadu tank to Thirumarayoor,Mankidappilly,Oorakam area in Ward No VII in Edakkattuvayal Panchayath
498 RWSS to Thirumarady- Replacing 50mm PVC pipe line in Puttumpuram area in Thirumarady Panchayth
TRN : 784209 |  Muvattupuzha - Kerala
Contract Value : 1.95 Lacs | Agency Name : Kerala Water Authority
Tender award for rwss to thirumarady- replacing 50mm pvc pipe line in puttumpuram area in thirumarady panchayth
499 Augmentation of ARWSS to Kumily - Shifting of 300mm and 250 mm Di K9 pipe lines under culverts along Munnar-Kumily road between I st mile and Vandanmedu Junction"
500 LAC_ADS_2017_2018 _ Augmentation of Kerakakkunu Water Supply scheme project in Kondazhy Grama panchayath_Project No_4557

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