You have searched for kerala-water-authority in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

521 Rural Water Supply And Sanitation Division to Kadampanadu Extension of pipe line from Badammukku branch line to Myladickal in Erathu Panchayat Erath Grama Panchayath KDP 19-20.
522 UWSS to adoor and adj. Panchayath - Extension of pipe line from Choorakodu Ivelilpadi to Blahethu padi ward XIII in Erathu Panchayath (Erathu Grama Panchayath), KDP 2017-18.
523 Extension of pipe line from Sreeraj bhavanam to Prakash padi ward 18 in Pallickal Panchayath Pallickal Grama panchayath KDP 2019-20.
524 Extension of pipe line from Prakash padi to Plakkodu padi ward 18 in Pallickal panchayath Parakkodu Block panchayath.
TRN : 772685 |  Pathaanamthitta - Kerala
Contract Value : 94.2 Thousand | Agency Name : Kerala Water Authority
Tender award for extension of pipe line from prakash padi to plakkodu padi ward 18 in pallickal panchayath parakkodu block panchayath.
525 Cleaning the sewer lines by using bucket type cleaning machine at various places in Karuvalikkunnu area under Sewerage Section no.2, Kuriathy
526 UWSS to Adoor and adj. Pts - Extension of pipe line at various places ward 21 in Adoor municipality (Adoor Municipality Planning Section 2019-20).
527 UWSS to Adoor and adj. Pts - Extension of pipe line at various places ward 20 in Adoor municipality (Adoor municipality Planning Section 2019-20).
528 UWSS to Adoor and adj. Pts. - Extension of pipe line at various places in ward 15 of Adoor municipality (Adoor Municipality Planning Section 2019-20).
529 UWSS to Adoor and Adj. Pts - Extension of pipe line at various places in ward No. XI of Adoor Municipality (Adoor Municipality Planning Section 2019-20).
530 RWSS to Thiruvilwamala (Pampady) - Supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Centrifugal motor Pumpset
TRN : 772729 |  Thrissur - Kerala
Contract Value : 14.80 Lacs | Agency Name : Kerala Water Authority
Tender award for rwss to thiruvilwamala (pampady) - supply, erection, testing and commissioning of centrifugal motor pumpset

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