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921 KDP (Elanthoor Block Panchayath) - RWSS to Cherukole-Naranganam - Providing alternate water connection (by pumping) to Vayalathala Govt. Old Age Home
922 KDP 2018-19 (Ranni Pazhavangadi Grama Panchayath) - Various RWSS - Extension of pipeline to 17 wards of Pazhavangadi Grama Panchayath (Project No. 99)
923 ARWSS to Ezhavathiruthy Adjoining Panchayaths
TRN : 659934 |  Malappuram - Kerala
Contract Value : 1.31 Crore | Agency Name : Kerala Water Authority
Tender award for arwss to ezhavathiruthy adjoining panchayaths
924 State Plan 2018 19 Water Supply Scheme to Kavannur Village
TRN : 659936 |  Malappuram - Kerala
Contract Value : 8.83 Crore | Agency Name : Kerala Water Authority
Tender award for state plan 2018 19 water supply scheme to kavannur village
925 KDP 2018-19 (Malayalappuzha Panchayath) - Extension and relaying of pipe line from Anassarikkal - Valliyani road ward No. 3 in Malayalappuzha Panchayath
926 NABARD-RIDF-XXIV- Water supply projects WSS to Thrikkovilvattom and Nedumpana Panchayats-Phase II- Part I
TRN : 666174 |  Trivandrum - Kerala
Contract Value : 2.14 Crore | Agency Name : Kerala Water Authority
Tender award for nabard-ridf-xxiv- water supply projects wss to thrikkovilvattom and nedumpana panchayats-phase ii- part i
927 KDP (Kodumon Panchayath) - RWSS to Vallikkodu-Kodumon - Extension ofpipe line to Nilamel colony, Pullelikkonam colony, Maruthikkodu colony, Parakunnil colony in ward No. 10 and 17 of Kodumon Grama Panchayath
928 Deposit work Road Widening work at Vattappara
TRN : 657652 |  Cochin - Kerala
Contract Value : 5.05 Lacs | Agency Name : Kerala Water Authority
Tender award for deposit work road widening work at vattappara
929 KDP 2018-19 (Konni Block Panchayath) - Extension of pipe line in various places (ward 1, 2, 3, 12, 13, 15) in Vallicodu Panchayath (Project No. 7/19)
930 Deposit work - 2016-17 - NTPC - Balance work- RWSS to Chingoli - Shifting of existing water connection and street tap connection and interconnecting the newly laid 110mm PVC line with the existing pipe lines of Chingoli Panchayath

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