You have searched for kerala-water-authority in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.
951KDP 2017-18 (Pandalam Thekkekkara Grama Panchayath) - Extension of pipe line to Leksham Veedu Pannikuzhivilapadi Leksham Veedu road in ward No. VII of Pandalam Thekkekkara Grama Panchayath
Pathaanamthitta - Kerala
Contract Value :
65.7 Thousand |Agency Name :
Kerala Water Authority
952KDP 2017-18 (Pandalam Municipality) - Water connection to the Municipality Office, Solid Waste Disposal Plant and to the Pandalam Market of Pandalam Municipality
Pathaanamthitta - Kerala
Contract Value :
2.98 Lacs |Agency Name :
Kerala Water Authority
954State Plan - 2018-19 UWSS to Ottapalam - Renovation works for staff quarters at treatment plant site, Palappuram by providing floor tiles, replacement of damaged electrical installation and plumbing installation, white - colour washing, replacement o
Kozhikode - Kerala
Contract Value :
7.57 Lacs |Agency Name :
Kerala Water Authority
957LAC ADF - Pattambi MLA - MWSS to Kozhichamuri in Vilayur Grama Panchayath - Supply and installation of open well Submersible Motor pump set - Head- 60 M, Discharge - 14 lps
Palakkad - Kerala
Contract Value :
2.15 Lacs |Agency Name :
Kerala Water Authority
958State Plan 2018-19 - 107 - Optimization of production and transmission - RWSS to Pottassery - improvements - Providing additional distribution line to Chelenkara area in Kanjirapuzha Grama Panchayath
Palakkad - Kerala
Contract Value :
4.95 Lacs |Agency Name :
Kerala Water Authority
959State Plan 2018-19 - 107 - Optimization of production and transmission - RWSS to Pottassery improvements - Providing seperate distribution line to Kallamala area in Kanjirapuzha Grama Panchayath using 90 mm PVC pipe
Palakkad - Kerala
Contract Value :
3.43 Lacs |Agency Name :
Kerala Water Authority
960Deposit work 2018-19 - Thachampara Grama Panchayath - WSS to Thachampara - Pipe line extension to various places - Christan Palli Rahmaniya road - from the existing KWA line
Palakkad - Kerala
Contract Value :
40.5 Thousand |Agency Name :
Kerala Water Authority