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1071 P/L of Cement Concrete M-30 in the streets adjoining White House.
TRN : 784537 |  Jalandhar - Punjab
Contract Value : 20.90 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for p/l of cement concrete m-30 in the streets adjoining white house.
1072 Proposed Laying of Rubber Mold Paving Blocks from Chunala Road to Nair and Srivastav to Peche and construction of C.C.Road and C.C.Drain from Namdev Peche to Culvert in Vivekanad Nagar ward no-2,for Nagar Parishad Rajura
1073 Const of CC flooring in streets adjoining MBD office a partap bagh, Sham gali Attari Bazaar,near tahi wala Chowk, near baghian vehra, near Aawa Mohalla, Mohalla Phagwara Gate W.No. 54
1074 Proposed construction of concrete road wearing course and CC drain with RCC Slab from Sambhaji Dive to Aawari and others at Chunabhatti Ward for Nagar Parishad Rajura
1075 Supply of 1 Dozer and 1 JCB Excavation at Wariana Dump For One Month.
TRN : 784539 |  Jalandhar - Punjab
Contract Value : 12.24 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for supply of 1 dozer and 1 jcb excavation at wariana dump for one month.
1076 To develop footpath at Kohinoor Plaza in Ward No 7 under Ratnagiri Municipal Council through Nagrotthan District Level
TRN : 785148 |  Ratnagiri - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 3.94 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for to develop footpath at kohinoor plaza in ward no 7 under ratnagiri municipal council through nagrotthan district level
1077 Annual maintenance of streets, drains and parks, W.No.26
TRN : 784540 |  Jalandhar - Punjab
Contract Value : 10.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for annual maintenance of streets, drains and parks,
1078 To develop foothpath from Kamlakar Bhatkar house to Digambar Waigankar house at Ambeshet in Ward No 6 under Ratnagiri Municipal Council through Nagrothhan District Level
1079 P/L of cement concrete in the streets of Sadian gate and tanki wali gali
TRN : 784541 |  Jalandhar - Punjab
Contract Value : 5.74 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for p/l of cement concrete in the streets of sadian gate and tanki wali gali
1080 Infrastructure development works in PMAY (AHP) site Kripalpur Word No 17
TRN : 785172 |  Satna - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 2.84 Crore | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for infrastructure development works in pmay (ahp) site kripalpur word no 17

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