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1521 Proposed consruction of Box culvert Near Shams Masjid At Amin Colony Ward No 03 In Parbhani, For PCMC Parbhani
TRN : 842496 |  Parbhani - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 4.39 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for proposed consruction of box culvert near shams masjid at amin colony ward no 03 in parbhani, for pcmc parbhani
1522 Construction of WBM CC road fom h/o Jamilbhai to Salim Kirana in Taajnagar to h/o Tukaram and h/o Rathod to main road and to h/o Tukaram Hamand to Nathnagar Main road in Prabhag No. 04 D NWCMC Nanded.
1523 Proposed construction of RCC storm water gutter at Bawiskar Jwellers to Datta Mandir in P. No. 29, New Nashik Div.
TRN : 842503 |  Nasikcity - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 10.99 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for proposed construction of rcc storm water gutter at bawiskar jwellers to datta mandir in p. no. 29, new nashik div.
1524 Construction of compound wall and chainlink fencing in S.No.2A/2B NMC open space at Chunchale Shiwar, Sanjiv Nagar P. No.26, Satpur Div.
1525 Providing lowering and laying RCC Pipe Under ground Storm Water line at Vidyavikas Circle to Vise Chowk Godavari River (Paricha Baug) Gangapur Road in P. No. 7, Nashik West Division, NMC, Nashik
1526 Proposed retaining wall for Nalla and chainlink fencing for Adjoining open space Nallaside at Sadguru Nagar, P. No. 8, of Satpur Div.
1527 Renovation of thodu and providing coveringslab towards north from Crematorium road in dvn no.15
TRN : 841308 |  Cochin - Kerala
Contract Value : 21.49 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for renovation of thodu and providing coveringslab towards north from crematorium road in dvn no.15
1528 Panachikkadu GP Proj.No. 89/19 Padiyarakadavu Vayanasala road side wall 11,12 ward 11
TRN : 784037 |  Kottayam - Kerala
Contract Value : 7.01 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for panachikkadu gp 89/19 padiyarakadavu vayanasala road side wall 11,12 ward 11
1529 Construction of CC road from h/o Babulal Pawar to Shri Ganesh Rudrawar in Prabhag No. 04 D Janakinagar area NWCMC Nanded
1530 Providing and Laying Pavers Block for road widening Gaurasiya Medical to Rakesh Tiwari and Amrit Mishra to Ghanshyam Vihar Colony Bharhut Nagar in Ward No 07

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