1532Appointment of Agency for Registered Contractor /Agency / Authorize Dealers/Sub Dealers/Agency Manufacturer Supply of Alumino ferric Grade-4 is specification 299-2012 DMC Make/ Vikram Chemical/ Sark Chemical/ Almighty Chemical production company Year 2020-2021
Jalgaon - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
7.68 Lacs |Agency Name :
Municipal Corporation
1535Construction RCC Drain from h/o Madrewar to h/o Ram Patange and Ashok Chanokhkar to h/o Bhimrao rathod to Shiv road in Prabhag No. 02 Rajsarthinagar NWCMC Nanded
Nanded - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
4.46 Lacs |Agency Name :
Municipal Corporation
1539De-silting of sewer line by bucket type machine for 200 mm dia to 300 mm dia and 450 mm dia to 900 mm dia various streets of Sec-11 Ward No.33 Faridabad
Faridabad - Haryana
Contract Value :
41.28 Lacs |Agency Name :
Municipal Corporation