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4621 Providing/laying 60mm thick paver block at various areas in front of 1999-2469 opp. Park, 1982 opp. Park Ph-10 Ward No. 27
4622 Providing and laying 60mm thick interlocking paver block tiles Opp. Gurudwara Sahib in Sec-66 Ward No. 34
TRN : 708266 |  Mohali - Punjab
Contract Value : 14.92 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for providing and laying 60mm thick interlocking paver block tiles opp. gurudwara sahib in sec-66 ward no. 34
4623 P/L of paver block in village mohali mansrover road mandir side W.No- 2
TRN : 686426 |  Ludhiana - Punjab
Contract Value : 14.91 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for p/l of paver block in village mohali mansrover road mandir side 2
4624 Providing and laying C.C flooring in various streets in front of 1423/1-1419/12, 1426/1-1429/6, 1433-1426, 1430-1432 Ph-11 Ward No. 33
4625 P/L of 60 mm thick paver blocks tiles and MS grills side of PCA and 9/10 dvieding in ph- 9 24
TRN : 686428 |  Ludhiana - Punjab
Contract Value : 14.93 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for p/l of 60 mm thick paver blocks tiles and ms grills side of pca and 9/10 dvieding in ph- 9 24
4626 Providing and laying C.C. flooring in various streets/blocks in front of 1301/1-1323/10, 1324, 1325 block Ph-11 Ward no. 32
4627 P/L of 60 mm thick paver blocks tiles and MS grills side of PCA and 9/10 dvieding in ph- 9 24
TRN : 686429 |  Ludhiana - Punjab
Contract Value : 14.93 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for p/l of 60 mm thick paver blocks tiles and ms grills side of pca and 9/10 dvieding in ph- 9 24
4628 Providing and laying paver block tiles in front of market shops in B-road sides in C.C. flooring in MIG/LIG block in Ph-11 Ward no. 31
4629 R/C estmate for laying of paver blocks abd other misc works in near street 1115-1137 and behind showroom in sec- 70 22
4630 Providing and laying 60mm thick paver block tiles in 10 marla pocket in front of 383-391, 392-400, 419-409, 401-407, Ph-11 Ward No. 30

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