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TRN : 853842 |  Bhopal - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 7.23 Crore | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for old age home at bhopal in mp
2222 Hire Of Colour 32 inch T.V. / Lcd T.V. Set For Rac-2019 At Mla Hostel, Nagpur
TRN : 851011 |  Nagpur - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 2.99 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for hire of colour 32 inch t.v. / lcd t.v. set for rac-2019 at mla hostel, nagpur
2223 Repair of Brick pavement at different kilometer and Repairing patching of pot holes, bituminous pot holes , 20mm Premixed Carpet and Seal Coat (Type-B) etc. from 6.0 kmp to 11.0 kmp ( in patches) of Thikra - Mirgoda Road
2224 Pre-monsoon works 2020,Clearing blocked up culverts,light jungles removing of earth slips,deepening cleaning side drains and shoulder maintenance and urgent patch repair work with using Emulsion/Shekmac in various roads under roads section Muttom
2225 Repair and Maintenance work at Contai-Belda Road (1st km,11th km, 14th km,23rd km, 24th km and 25th km by Repairing pot-holes , 20 mm thick Premix surfacing and Premixed Seal Coat (Type B) etc.
2226 Hire Of Colour 32 inch T.V. Set For Rac 2019 At Ravibhavan, Nagbhavan, Ramgiri, Deogiri, Hyd House, Nagpur ( Winter Session)
2227 Repairing of Jhalda Bagmundi Road from 0.00 Kmp to 9.00 Kmp by repairing Pothole, 20mm P.S and Seal Coat under Balarampur Highway Sub-Division of Purulia Highway Division during the year 2019-20.
2228 Job 1 A.R and M.O of Tahliwal Bathri Road km. 0-0 to 5-0 and Una Jaijon Road km. 11-0 to 23-0 Sub Head P.L Patch work in various RDs
2229 Annual Repair Work of Govt. Residencial and Non Residencial Buildings Under sub division Badnawar
TRN : 851892 |  Dhar - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 18.57 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for annual repair work of govt. residencial and non residencial buildings under sub division badnawar
2230 Construction of Paving Blocks at Karjule Harya Tal Parner Dist Ahmednagar
TRN : 851013 |  Ahmednagar - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 3.75 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for construction of paving blocks at karjule harya tal parner dist ahmednagar

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