2219Pre-monsoon works 2020,Clearing blocked up culverts,light jungles removing of earth slips,deepening cleaning side drains and shoulder maintenance and urgent patch repair work with using Emulsion/Shekmac in various roads under roads section Muttom
Thodupuzha - Kerala
Contract Value :
5.37 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
2220Repair of Brick pavement at different kilometer and Repairing patching of pot holes, bituminous pot holes , 20mm Premixed Carpet and Seal Coat (Type-B) etc. from 6.0 kmp to 11.0 kmp ( in patches) of Thikra - Mirgoda Road
Tamluk - West Bengal
Contract Value :
4.75 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department