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32001 Construction of Entrance Ramp, Toilet and Ramp For Upper Storey (For Person With Disability Phase-1) For Gymnasium Hall and PG Hostel in PAU at Ludhiana (Punjab)
32002 Annual maintenance of E.I of WBUA&FS at K.B. Sarani , including Hostel and Quarters for the year 2018-19Annual Maintenance of Electrical installation. "
32003 Supply of different materials including Labour charges at Plassey Stackyard to meet up mitigation disastrous impact of Natural Calamities under Plassey Highway Sub Division under Nadia Highway Division No.- I during the year 2018-19 (2nd Phase)
32004 Emergent Repair of potholes by Pre Coated Stone Materials at various roads from Krishnaganj stackyard under Krishnagar Highway Sub Division No.- II in the District of Nadia under Nadia Highway Division No.- I during the year 2018-19
32005 Emergent Patching potholes to the different roads by Pre Coated Stone Materials at the stack yard under Krishnagar Highway Sub Division No.- I in the District of Nadia under Nadia Highway Division No.- I during the year 2018-19 (2nd Phase)
32006 Construction of passenger shelter at Futisako more under Birbhum Highway Division -II PW(R)D in the District of Birbhum.
TRN : 503355 |  Birbhum - West Bengal
Contract Value : 8.47 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for construction of passenger shelter at futisako more under birbhum highway division -ii pw(r)d in the district of birbhum.
32007 Construction of 20 (twenty) capacity passenger shelter at 10.00 km (Gournagar) of Krishnagar Nabadwip Dham Road under Krishnagar Highway Sub Division No.- I under Nadia Highway Division No.- I in the District of Nadia
32008 Construction of 20 (twenty) capacity passenger shelter at 10.50 km (Poragacha, Jhautala) of Krishnagar Majdia Road under Krishnagar Highway Sub Division No.- II under Nadia Highway Division No.- I in the District of Nadia
32009 Renovation of Warders’ Barrack (Old & New) at premises of Bankura DCH during the year 2018-19. (Ch. to -2056).
TRN : 503358 |  Bankura - West Bengal
Contract Value : 15.84 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for renovation of warders’ barrack (old & new) at premises of bankura dch during the year 2018-19. (ch. to -2056).
32010 Providing sign board mentioning THIS ROAD IS MAINTAINED BY PWD
TRN : 503359 |  Tamluk - West Bengal
Contract Value : 23.91 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for providing sign board mentioning this road is maintained by pwd

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