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32031 Urgent special repairs- Providing new place for Deputy Director, Treasury in Room No 104 at First floor of Collectorate, Thrissur
32032 Electrical Extention work in newly constructed vertical extension of, Administrative, Academic and Library Work of WBSU-Internal Electrification work of 2 nos Auditorium
32033 Restoration of Cable fault and repairing of different type works in related to Street light
TRN : 533889 |  Kolkata - West Bengal
Contract Value : 10.82 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for restoration of cable fault and repairing of different type works in related to street light
32034 Widening AND Strengthening of Mandanpur Jawaherpur to Udhamsingh nagar seema via Varispatti Road with HOT MIX PLANT Under CRF in District Bareilly
32035 Electrical Installation works of different places [ i.e.GNM nursing training student Hostel , Demostration room, Classroom,toilet etc.due to civil repair & renovation works at Baghajatin State General Hospital under South 24 prgs. (Job No. SKJ/OW/07 of 18-19)
32036 Job 2 Construction of Circle level Material testing Lab. and room for Chowkidar in PWD at Una Sub Head C.O Building portion, water supply and sanitary installation and septic tank etc.
32037 Planning,Design,Investigation,Construction,Erection,Installation,Completion testing and Commissioning in all respect of entire units of Arsenic cum Iron Removcal Plant(AIRP) of different capacities capable of removing arsenic & Iron Present in Ground Water in different concentration to acceptable limit as recommend by CPHEEO manual on basis of departmental process drawing (MODIFIED SUJAPUR SADHIPUR) including 3(three) months Trial Run & 9 (nine) months Operation & Maintenance of different Blocks in District of Murshidabad, P.H.Engg Dte. Name of Scheme- Jagtai W/S Scheme Block- Suti-II Capacity- 60Cum/hr."
32038 Job 7 C.O Old Saloh Bhadouri road Sub Head C.O Solid causeway at RD.1-170 to 1-220 and 2-680 to 2-730 Under missing CD
TRN : 503574 |  Shimla - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 8.35 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for job 7 c.o old saloh bhadouri road sub head c.o solid causeway at rd.1-170 to 1-220 and 2-680 to 2-730 under missing cd
32039 E. I. work for Doctors and Nurses qtr. at Daburmath G+3 storied building MRBH. Additional works for lift and premises lighting at M. R. Bangur Hospital, South 24 Pgs. -- E I Work.
32040 Job 6 C.O Old Saloh Bhadouri road Sub Head C.O Solid causeway along with drain at RD.5-010 to 5-030 and 5-120 to 5-200 Under missing CD Job 6 C.O Old Saloh Bhadouri road Sub Head C.O Solid causeway along with drain at RD.5-010 to 5-030 and 5-120 t

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