6875Tarn Taran Goindwal road to Industrial Complex in District Tarn Taran (Totel Length 1.12 Km.)
Including Maintenance fo Road for 5 year (One Year Defects Liability period + four year Maintenance year).
Amritsar - Punjab
Contract Value :
52.28 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
6876Nagoke Khadoor Sahib Goindwal Raod in District Tarn Taran (Total length = 13.80 but under repair Km 0.0 to 7.08 = 7.08 Km)
Including Maintenance of Road for 5 year (One year Defects Liability period + four year Maintenance year).
Amritsar - Punjab
Contract Value :
2.69 Crore |Agency Name :
Public Works Department