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9471 Construction of Road from Merbil Chariali to Naharani Village Via Haluwa Gaon and Kukura Puhiya Gaon including Cross-Drainage works and Routine Maintenance of the works for 5 years
9472 Construction of Parking Shed and Stage a I.A.S.E. PGBT Campus, Bhopal.
TRN : 749243 |  Bhopal - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 11.89 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for construction of parking shed and stage a i.a.s.e. pgbt campus, bhopal.
9473 Construction of Road from Das Gaon to M.N. Road to via Dillibari and Ghahi including Cross-Drainage works and Routine Maintenance of the works for 5 years
9474 MOEI, Pump, Lifts of Subway, Under Deck and FOB on Delhi PWD Roads under PWD Electrical Division South during 2019-20.(SH-Operation of lifts at Saket FOB, Jia Sarai FOB, IIT FOB and Pancheel FOB)
9475 Construction of vehicle garage for 9 Nos of Magistrate Qtr Partition wall alongwith 1 toilet construction in the double room of 2nd floor Circuit House concrete base and shed for DG set Udalguri DCs Complex in Udalguri District_TN_92_1
9476 Urgent bit CC patch repair work in Puliyanmala Hemakkadavu Soolappara Appappikada PoothinkandomChalakkudymedu Achakkada Cumbummettu road Km. 6/800 to 7/800
9477 TN_35_2 Construction work of A.D.R. (Alternate Dispute Resolution) Centre at Udalguri District
TRN : 736755 |  Udalgiri - Assam
Contract Value : 2.99 Crore | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for tn_35_2 construction work of a.d.r. (alternate dispute resolution) centre at udalguri district
9478 RMO E.I. and Fans, UPS, Lifts, Fire Fighting, Automatic fire alarm system, Submain, DG Set, Water Supply System, LAN, EPABX, Video Conferencing, CCTV, Digital Clock and Display System at District Court Complex, at Saket, New Delhi.
9479 CONSTRUCTION OF Bani Nallah to Raog road km 0/0 to 2/0 (SH:- C/O PCC R/wall at 0/390 to 0/405 and wire crate with PCC wall in km 0/575 to 0/590.)
9480 Erection and maintanance of traffic sign board and road furniture in mannarakulanji pampa road ch 0 to 32 2019-20.
TRN : 738574 |  Pathaanamthitta - Kerala
Contract Value : 11.28 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for erection and maintanance of traffic sign board and road furniture in mannarakulanji pampa road ch 0 to 32 2019-20.

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