9483Construction of HL Bridge 3 Span 10.50 mtr each (overall Length 33.34 m) over Rajpura Drain Crossing Suhron to Mandiana Link Road in MC Ghanour District Patiala including approaches and dismantling of existing old bridge
Patiala - Punjab
Contract Value :
1.86 Crore |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
9484Urgent bit CC patch repair work in Puliyanmala Hemakkadavu Soolappara Appappikada PoothinkandomChalakkudymedu Achakkada Cumbummettu road Km. 6/800 to 7/800
Idukki - Kerala
Contract Value :
21.59 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
9487MOEI, Pump, Lifts of Subway, Under Deck and FOB on Delhi PWD Roads under PWD Electrical Division South during 2019-20.(SH-Operation of lifts at Saket FOB, Jia Sarai FOB, IIT FOB and Pancheel FOB)
New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value :
31.14 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department