118DNIT of Providing and installing 1 no tubewell against failed tubeell of size 3500mm 200mm upto 180 mtr depth at camp area near Dispensary Mohalla at Batala Town
Batala - Punjab
Contract Value :
19.42 Lacs |Agency Name :
Punjab Water Supply And Sewerage Board
119DNIT for providing and supplying installation testing and commissioning of New Electric Motor Starter Control Panel with auto Transformer system for 170 BHP Induction Electronic Motor Three Phase 50 HZ, RPM 985 Respected of Disposal Batala
Batala - Punjab
Contract Value :
3.60 Lacs |Agency Name :
Punjab Water Supply And Sewerage Board
120DNIT for Boring and Installing testing commissioning of 1 No T well against failed T Well size 300mm x 200mm dia with Reverse Rotary Rig up to 300mtr Depth complete in all respect Providing and Installing Pumping Set at Ward No 11 at Ghanaur
Patiala - Punjab
Contract Value :
20.02 Lacs |Agency Name :
Punjab Water Supply And Sewerage Board