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131 Works of augmentation of Water Supply and Sewerage network Project at Khanna Town under AMRUT
TRN : 585994 |  Ludhiana - Punjab
Contract Value : 10.97 Crore | Agency Name : Punjab Water Supply And Sewerage Board
Tender award for works of augmentation of water supply and sewerage network project at khanna town under amrut
132 Works of augmentation of Water Supply and Sewerage network Project at Khanna Town under AMRUT
TRN : 585996 |  Ludhiana - Punjab
Contract Value : 16.44 Crore | Agency Name : Punjab Water Supply And Sewerage Board
Tender award for works of augmentation of water supply and sewerage network project at khanna town under amrut
133 DNIT of Construction of collecting tanks and Installation of Submersible pump set and Manual Hoist at STP Pathankot.
TRN : 610421 |  Pathankot - Punjab
Contract Value : 1.55 Crore | Agency Name : Punjab Water Supply And Sewerage Board
Tender award for dnit of construction of collecting tanks and installation of submersible pump set and manual hoist at stp pathankot.
134 Operation and maintenance sewerage scheme of Gurdaspur town for the year 2018 19 01 04 2018 to 31 03 2019 special repair of super structure and all other works for disposal at Gurdaspur
135 A/Mtc. of Reserve Stock, Jalandhar.
TRN : 579413 |  Jalandhar - Punjab
Contract Value : 5.07 Lacs | Agency Name : Punjab Water Supply And Sewerage Board
Tender award for a/mtc. of reserve stock, jalandhar.
136 Extn. and Aug. of Sewerage Scheme at Jalandhar (under NRCP Phase-II).
TRN : 579398 |  Jalandhar - Punjab
Contract Value : 48.99 Lacs | Agency Name : Punjab Water Supply And Sewerage Board
Tender award for extn. and aug. of sewerage scheme at jalandhar (under nrcp phase-ii).
137 Prov. S.W. pipe sewer and all other works contingent threrto for balance work in Jalandhar under NRCP Phase II
TRN : 578581 |  Jalandhar - Punjab
Contract Value : 48.82 Lacs | Agency Name : Punjab Water Supply And Sewerage Board
Tender award for prov. s.w. pipe sewer and all other works contingent threrto for balance work in jalandhar under nrcp phase ii
138 Prov. 6 Nos. submersible non clog sewage pump sets of capacity 354 Cum hr., 16 mtr. head complete in all respect at MPS, Phagwara North
TRN : 579411 |  Jalandhar - Punjab
Contract Value : 31.49 Lacs | Agency Name : Punjab Water Supply And Sewerage Board
Tender award for prov. 6 nos. submersible non clog sewage pump sets of capacity 354 cum hr., 16 mtr. head complete in all respect at mps, phagwara north
139 Providing and Laying of water Supply Lines and House Connections in various Areas (Balance Work) and all other works contingent thereto at Bathinda Town.
140 Desilting/cleaning of existing 36 i/d W/S RCC line intake from Sirhind feeder towards water works at Malout (RD 0 to 11195) Distt. Sri Muktsar Sahib

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