74Providing and laying of 150 id UPVC Pipe Sewe, 100mm id DIK7 pipe R Main, Construction of Subsidiary Pumping Station with Machinery and all other works contingent thereto in PACL Factory at Naya Nangal
Ropar - Punjab
Contract Value :
48.44 Lacs |Agency Name :
Punjab Water Supply And Sewerage Board
76DNIT for Providing laying jointing Cutting and testing of DI K9 Rising main pipe line in size 150mm i d for connection of new tubewell to existing water supply system and construction of SV FH haudies complete in all respect at Dera Baba NanaK
Gurdaspur - Punjab
Contract Value :
7.00 Lacs |Agency Name :
Punjab Water Supply And Sewerage Board
77Operation and Maintenance of Existing Sewer lines, Rising Main, MPS and STP and all other works contingent thereto at Sri Chamkaur Sahib, Distt. Ropar for the year 2019-20 (01.01.2020 to 31.03.2020).
Ropar - Punjab
Contract Value :
4.41 Lacs |Agency Name :
Punjab Water Supply And Sewerage Board
78Dismantling and relaying of 600mm id RCC NP3 Pipe Sewer,Construction of MH Chamber, Dismantling and relaying of 250mm id DIK7 WS Pipe Line and all other works contingent thereto near Holy Family School Nangal Road
Ropar - Punjab
Contract Value :
78.0 Thousand |Agency Name :
Punjab Water Supply And Sewerage Board
80Providing and laying of 100 i/d DIK7 W/S pipe line, providing and laying of 200mm i/d UPVC pipe sewer and all other works contingent in various streets of Morinda town.
Ropar - Punjab
Contract Value :
7.15 Lacs |Agency Name :
Punjab Water Supply And Sewerage Board